Today’s Miracle Monday is by Brother Paul A. Palmieri, who describes an angelic visitor he encountered when he was just a teen. Bonus — it’s a restoration testimony too!
I was given this experience many years ago, but it’s still relevant today. It was the summer of 1984, and I had finished my sophomore year of college. I had a summer job at a rolling pan mill about 10 minutes from home in Aliquippa. College internships were very limited locally due to the economy.
I was returning from work in mid-summer when, by chance, I saw and picked up a hitchhiker along the side of the road. He was clean looking, and I had no fear when I asked him where he was headed, and he said downtown Aliquippa.
I agreed to give him a ride, and we talked. He asked me about me, and I briefly related my story (college, summer job). I then told him about The Church of Jesus Christ, including the restoration story and my baptism testimony. I was 19 years old and had been baptized about 17 months. He listened intently.
Upon arriving at a house (I assumed it was his) behind the city library, I dropped him off and said goodbye. He got out and, before walking to the house, he leaned back into the car and stated, “Don’t ever forget what you have.” I knew instantly that he meant never to forget about The Church and the story of the restoration.
I looked up to reply or at least say something but … he was gone. I jumped out of the car and searched for him in the yard, and there was no trace of him … not even the grass had footprints. As I turned to go back into the car, I realized I was with a holy messenger and, frankly, I was stunned … and then overwhelmed with tears of joy at the goodness of God.
Thirty-one years have passed, and I have not picked up hitchhikers in many years … but the message still resonates: ALWAYS REMEMBER The Church of Jesus Christ and the restoration story is true and NEVER FORGET the promises God has made concerning the Latter Days.
Wind, Rain, Sun, Snow …
We’re looking for weather-related miracles for April. Did the Lord ever show His handiwork in the sky for you? Did he stop a storm or divert a disaster? Please share your story with us — click here.
This article has undergone ministry review and approval.
Bro. Paul, what a wonderful experience!! It is so amazing when the person you spoke with was so real. Thank you so much for sharing!!