He Planted Me Deep

He Planted Me Deep

Have you ever sat in church, singing a song that you’ve sung so many times that you’ve memorized all the words, and realized that you never really read them before? Today, for whatever reason, you actually read the words as you sing and let them sink in. That happened...
Tell God You Love Him

Tell God You Love Him

I recently watched a TV show where heaven was portrayed as a corporation with God as the leader. One of the running jokes of the show was God telling one particular employee that He loved him over and over again, with the employee never reciprocating. Instead, he...
The Golden Rule

The Golden Rule

Let’s begin with a little quiz. Which of the following statements best expresses the concept of what is traditionally referred to as “The Golden Rule”? Do unto others as they do unto youDo unto others as you would want others to do unto youWhatever you do unto others...
Home Is Where The Heart Is

Home Is Where The Heart Is

By nature, I’m a homebody. If given the choice, I usually prefer to stay in versus going out—and after a few days away on vacation, I miss the comfort of my four walls. I quickly dream about sleeping in my own bed and schlepping around in my cozy clothes. There’s just...