Experiencing God’s Wisdom

Experiencing God’s Wisdom

One Thursday evening at a local restaurant, I noted four or five men reading the Bible. As they were leaving and walking by, I commented that it was nice to see them studying the Scriptures.  One of them invited me to join them the next Thursday. Curious, I did...
Argh, That Distracting Drum Set

Argh, That Distracting Drum Set

If you are familiar with the Gospel Blog, then you may remember that I have the opportunity to work with kids with various disabilities, and this column is to share the lessons I have learned from those kids. One particular 8-year-old boy, let’s just call him...
4 Scriptures that stood out

4 Scriptures that stood out

When I was a teenager, I kept a book of quotes. When I came across a quote that I liked, I’d hand-write it into my little book so that I wouldn’t forget it. Now, I chuckle at many of the sentiments that my 15-year-old self thought were so very profound....
The Answers Are in There

The Answers Are in There

Today, we’re pausing Brother Jerry’s series on the Life of Jesus, and we’re bringing you this article from the past. The series will resume next Wednesday.  When I was a young person, my parents used to take me to MBA (the youth meeting) every...