My job as a physical therapist allows me to work with a lot of special needs kids. One particular 6-year-old kid I work with—let’s just call him Otto—has a condition that ensures he will never be able to walk, talk, transfer himself, toilet himself, or use his...
Dear Busy Parent, Keeping the kids alive, shuttling them to and from their various activities and schools and daycares, working in order to afford said activities and to survive, taking care of meals and making sure the house is clean and the yard is tidy…there...
Today’s article is part of our summer series, “Be of Good Courage.” Dear Courage, You are always there for me, but it is up to me to let you in. You have physically shown up when I encountered a scorpion in my home. Do you recall how you...
Today’s article is part of our summer series, “Be of Good Courage.” I work in a nursing home, often trying to get the residents to walk as part of their physical therapy. Occasionally, someone will have a heaping overabundance of fear. Fear...
Today’s article is part of our summer series, “Be of Good Courage.” Hi there! Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Courage. You may be very familiar with me, or we might only be acquaintances. Either way, it’s a pleasure to formally meet you. The...
Today’s article is part of our summer series, “Be of Good Courage.” “Come in, I want to show you something,” my mother said as I stood at her front door holding a few bags of produce. “I can’t, Mom, it’s for your safety.” “But I’m making...
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