Today, we’re bringing you a special devotional from guest writer Sister Christina DiCenzo.

I love to worship the Lord! I do it by singing songs to Him and sharing my days in communication with Him, at times, in my closet expressing my gratitude, love, and adoration for Him. This is when I feel His presence most.

One day, in worship, it came to me very clearly, “You bring Me joy.” Wow. I can bring the Lord joy? As days passed, I pondered and prayed, “Lord, how exactly do I bring you joy? Show me, what exactly do you mean by that?”

One day I was feeding my very particular dog, Buddy. I have to hand feed him when he tries a new food. The Lord showed me how sweet he was at patiently waiting, as I would tear off a bite-size piece of soft dog food and feed him. It seemed to be in slow motion. I took it in. Buddy kept looking at me and then the food, but he waited patiently till I felt ready to give it to him.

The longer he patiently waited, his sweet eyes looking at me, then at the food, expecting me to feed him …the more he brought me joy.

I saw how Buddy did as I asked: stay, wait. Then, ever so gently, he would take the food from my hand when I gave it to him. I felt so much love for him as he trusted me and did exactly as I asked.

How personal and loving our Lord is to share this experience with me.

Since then, every day when I see Buddy, I am reminded that the Lord loves me and that I love Him. Through this mid-size canine, I am grateful for the simplicity of God’s love.

When I come home and Buddy is prancing, so excited to see me. usually bringing me one of his toys…he brings me joy.

When he takes his paw and hits my hand to get me to pet him…he brings me joy.

When I see his tail wag when he hears my voice…he brings me joy.

As he sleeps, snoring like nobody’s business…he brings me joy.

Now, every day when I see my furry friend, I am reminded of how much I am loved by the Lord. I am then reminded of how much I love Him. I am grateful, through His Spirit, that He shows in simplicity His love for me…bringing me joy!

Just by us worshipping the Lord.

Patiently waiting.

Expecting His promises for me and you to be fulfilled………

There is joy!

“Then will I go unto the altar of God, unto God my exceeding joy: yea, upon the harp will I praise thee, O God my God.” (Psalm 43:4)

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.



  1. Suzanne Beeman

    Hello Sister Christina

    What a lovely testimony. Will definitely be looking at my sweet Josie in a different way. She is always near, always watching over me, and loves me no matter what.

    Hope you and your family are well. Will definitely miss seeing you at GMBA campout.

    Love you always my friend
    Sis Suzanne

  2. Linda Scolaro

    Beautiful paradigm, Sister. My dog loves me unconditionally, is loyal and brings me joy as well. Thank you for making me smile.


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Further Reading

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