Behind the Scenes of ‘Stand Up’

by | Jul 23, 2018 | Testimonies | 0 comments


For today’s Miracle Monday, we reached out to Sister Rosanne Champine and asked her to share some of the stories behind several of the songs that the Lord has given her. This particular story is about the song “Stand Up for the Restoration.”

In the early 1980s, the General Church began preparing for the upcoming World Missionary Conference (the first of its kind). I had recently begun sharing a few songs God had given me and was asked if I would pray about a song that might help convey the story of Joseph, which would be told in photographs. I was not given anything more specific than that. So, pray I did … and the Lord began working with me.

Having been born and raised in the Gospel, I benefitted from the influence of my “goodly parents,” Brother Anthony and Sister Angela Scolaro. My father had a great passion for the Book of Mormon that was manifested in his love for, and his labors among, the Native Americans. Growing up, I witnessed his (and many others’) faithful dedication to the Lord and the Divine Commission of the Church and consistent service to the Native American Missions (with my mother’s support), with him often returning from conferences eager to report the progress the Church was making.

As we would visit with and host our brothers and sisters, I would quietly listen to the saints at the dinner table, amazed by their wonderful and powerful experiences. All of this had a profound impact on my embracing the Restoration, in understanding the blessings and joy that come with serving the Lord and His church, and extending God’s genuine love, especially as it relates to the Seed of Joseph.

For me, the promises of God, their fulfillment, and the vision of the Latter Days were (and continue to be) exciting and real!

Also, at the time this request was made, a few members of my spiritual family in my branch had been persuaded that the Book of Mormon was false. As challenging as this trial was, my faith grew stronger. At the branch, we were encouraged by many beautiful experiences and the preaching of God’s word to “not be ashamed of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.” This inspired the idea of “standing up” for the truth that we have been blessed to receive — not just to share it, but to treasure it and to present it in confidence and boldness! We have nothing to apologize for, but rather, we have the pearl, and the labor we have been called to is divine!

All these elements played a part in this song coming forth. I can testify truly that many of the phrases and expressions in it are not my own. As I opened myself to God’s direction, a melody and words came together, and the song was used as part of that World Missionary Conference slide presentation, along with others.

I’m so thankful for all the blessings the Lord has bestowed upon me my entire life and pray this song might be a strength and encouragement to my Brothers and Sisters as we together “seek to bring forth Zion.”


Copyright Rosanne J. Champine 1986

We, The Church Of Jesus Christ,
We have the Truth here in our hands.
God’s given us a work to do,
Yes, He’s revealed a glorious plan!
The Restoration is the key
That unlocks Joseph’s history.
Now, it’s up to you and me
To send the message out!

Let’s tell them of their heritage;
Of a covenant from the past.
The promise God gave Israel
Was a promise meant to last.
We won’t impose our culture,
We won’t impose our ways.
But just tell of God’s great plan for them
In these the Latter Days!

The harvest is great,
The laborers are few
So there’s something each of us can do.
The Father’s sending out His plea,
“Oh, won’t you come and work for me?
Work for me!!”

Bring back Joseph’s scattered nation.
Built on the rock of His revelation,
The Gospel must go out!
In the towns, on the reservations
Let’s call God’s lost ones home.
And whether near or far,
Let’s tell them who they are
And how they’ll rise again!

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.



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Further Reading

church service

Being in the Right Place at the Right Time

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Nothing to Fear

In 2011, I discovered — and my doctor confirmed — a large tumor in my body. I was facing further tests, which caused me great concern. On a Sunday morning, I went before the ministry of the branch to be anointed. That day, a sister shared the following vision:...

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