Brother Jordan Champine

Articles by Brother Jordan Champine

Unapologetic Belief

Unapologetic Belief

Today, we'd like to call attention to a recent article published by the Student Support Program (SSP). It's titled "Unapologetic Belief" and written by the Gospel Blog's very own...

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Heart Keeper

“Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life,” Proverbs 4:23. As the treasure box of our soul, we find within our heart all the precious sentiments...

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Many Sparrows

Many Sparrows

Within today’s culture exists an insatiable need to prove self-worth and value by being the best. From cereal boxes to politics, we're bombarded with claims of superiority...

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Making Room

Making Room

“And it mattereth not to me that I am particular to give a full account of all the things of my father, for they cannot be written upon these plates, for I desire the room...

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