Unapologetic Belief

by | Aug 3, 2017 | Devotional | 0 comments


Today, we’d like to call attention to a recent article published by the Student Support Program (SSP). It’s titled “Unapologetic Belief” and written by the Gospel Blog’s very own Brother Jordan Champine.

Here’s an excerpt from the article:

Timber! If a tree falls and no one is around to hear it, does it still make a sound?


We’ve all heard sayings like this before; philosophical mind benders that make us question what is “truth.” As students in high school and college on our way to becoming self-sufficient adults, the definition of “truth” may not be as clear cut as it used to be. 


A lot of people see belief in God as a crutch for weak or lazy people. However, everybody puts faith in something — even atheists. Belief in God is not lazy or ignorant. Rather, belief in God is a powerful place of courage and action where we learn first-hand that Jesus is alive. 

Want to read more? Click here for the full article, and you can visit the SSP website for more articles geared toward those in their teens and twenties. 

For those of you who don’t know, the SSP is a network of high school and college-age youth from The Church of Jesus Christ established to grow stronger together in Christ.

Challenge: Forward this article to a young person who you know, or — better yet — call the young person up just to say hello and that he or she came to your mind. 

This article has undergone ministry review and approval. 


  • Jordan Champine

    Brother Jordan lives tucked away in the suburbs of Detroit, Michigan, with wife of 10 years Sister Karen and two amazing kiddos Addy and Ben.

    View all posts Data analyst by trade. Loving minister, husband, and father by heart. Thanksgiving dinner, coffee, and Captain America. Philippians 4:8.


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Further Reading


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