Brother Frank Natoli

Articles by Brother Frank Natoli

There Is Always a Certainty

There Is Always a Certainty

A few years ago, I came across this quote and held on to it because I felt it provided a nice reminder that there are some natural certainties in life. There is always darkness...

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The Value of Salt

The Value of Salt

What would French fries taste like without salt? Hard to imagine, isn’t it?  Salt has been around for a long time.  Archeologists found a 6,400-year-old city that was...

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A Feast for the Spirit

A Feast for the Spirit

Today's article is the last installment of Brother Frank Natoli's guest column on the Seven Feasts of Israel. Why is it so valuable to be familiar with these seven feasts, as...

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The Day of Atonement

The Day of Atonement

Today's article is part of Brother Frank Natoli's guest column on the Seven Feasts of Israel. The Day of Atonement is a type and shadow of destruction  Leviticus 16:...

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The Feast of Trumpets

The Feast of Trumpets

The trumpet (or “shofar” in Hebrew) originated as the horn of a ram (Joshua 6:4) and was used to call the people of God to assemble and gather, or it served as an alarm in time of trouble (Numbers 10:1-7). The Lord promised Israel that in blowing the trumpets their salvation would be assured.

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