Getting a Job Is All About Who You Know

by | May 31, 2021 | Testimonies | 4 comments

Today’s Miracle Monday comes to us from Brother Frank Natoli. He shares the story of how he got his first job.

Like many who graduate from college, I found myself searching for a job. I prayed earnestly, asking the Lord to direct my path, open doors, and provide for me and my future wife, just as He had for so many brothers and sisters throughout the history of the Church. 

The only limiting factor I placed on the Lord was to provide a job near a branch or mission of the Church. Living anywhere near the domestic church seemed like a reasonable qualifier to put on the Lord. I simply wanted to enjoy worshipping on Sunday and midweek with the saints.

After contacting more than 70 potential employers over a three-month period, I got an interview with Eastman Kodak in Rochester, NY. I had never been to the Rochester Mission or knew any of the brothers and sisters from Rochester. 

I asked Kodak if I could fly into Rochester on Saturday for my Monday interview. This gave me the opportunity to attend church on Sunday. I arrived on Saturday evening and arranged for a sister to pick me up at the hotel to bring me to church. We agreed to meet in the lobby at 9 a.m. 

I never asked what Sister Florence looked like or what she’d be wearing, but when I walked into the hotel lobby on Sunday morning, a sweet-smiling, middle-aged woman with blue eyes looked at me and said, “Are you Brother Frank?” 

I smiled and greeted her with a hug. She brought me to church, and afterward invited me to her home for lunch with a number of other brothers and sisters. (How beautiful the hospitality of the saints!)

The next morning, I arrived for my interview. The day started with a group interview with five managers sitting in a room to interview me. The plant manager asked the ice-breaker question, “Do you know anyone who works for Kodak?” 

What a blessing it was to respond by saying yes! “I know Florence Catina.” (I thought to myself, I just met her for the first time in my life yesterday. Only then did I learn that she worked for Kodak!) 

He looked at me across the table and said, “You know Florence Catina?” 

I nodded, wondering why he responded that way. 

“How do you know her?” 

I humbly answered, “She and I belong to the same church. In fact, I had lunch with her yesterday.” 

He looked at me and said, “Florence Catina is my secretary, and she is the nicest, kindest and most wonderful, generous person on earth!” 

My heart began to pound, feeling such a joy, that Sister Florence had been such a light, that I was (even in a small way) connected with her, and that my church was represented in such a beautiful manner. 

After a day of interviewing with multiple individuals, they offered me the job! It was the only job offer I had. Although I was nervous about moving to a small mission away from my natural family, I accepted the offer, remembering what I told the Lord: “I’ll move anywhere as long as it’s near the Church!” 

A few weeks after accepting the job, I was speaking with an elder in the church about my decision. He lovingly appeared to question my rationale since there were no young people in the Rochester Mission at that time. He wondered in his heart if this was really a good move. 

As we talked, the Spirit of God fell on him, and under the Spirit, these were the words spoken: “I will bless you…as long as you love and serve me, thus saith the Lord.” We were both convinced and once again reminded that God is sovereign, and our trust is in Him and Him alone. (Mosiah 4:5-12)

Who Do You Know?

They say that landing a job isn’t about what you know but who you know. In this case, knowing Sister Florence helped position Brother Frank in a good light during his interview. But, it was ultimately God who orchestrated it (and confirmed it). Brother Frank knew God, and that was the best connection he could possibly have during his job search.

Does today’s article remind you of a testimony in your own life? Send it to us, and we’ll share it with your fellow readers on a future Miracle Monday.

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


  • Brother Frank Natoli

    Brother Frank is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ and an Apostle

    View all posts Minister or the restored gospel of Jesus Christ DIY projects, cars, food, and Star Wars. Any red letters in the Bible and Book of Mormon.


  1. Brother Gary Thompson

    What a awesome Testimony. GOD is good all the time.

  2. Michael Watson

    Beautiful testimony, Bro. Frank! It’s amazing how God works. Thank you so much for sharing it!

  3. Teri-Lyn Tunno

    I loved this experience! I have found myself often in this same situation and as I am in this position now, this experience was a good reminder that God will work everything out. Thank you for sharing!

  4. Dora Armstrong

    I had never heard this testimony of Frank’s before. What a wonderful experience!


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Further Reading

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