An Anniversary to Remember

by | Jun 5, 2017 | Miracles | 1 comment


Today’s Miracle Monday is from Sister Jennifer Robertson, and, funny enough, it happened on a Monday!

My husband and I always go on a mini vacation for our anniversary. We always take our two dogs, Sierra and Alaska, with us. We usually head to the Kern River in California, but this was our seventh anniversary and we decided to go somewhere different. We love the mountains, so we chose to go to Big Bear, California.

On our trips, we love to hike, fish, and do a little off-roading. We were unfamiliar with Big Bear, so we inquired about some places to do all three. At a local fish and bait shop, we heard about a location in Lake Arrowhead that sounded promising. We were thrilled! We made plans to head to this place the next day.

On Monday, April 10, our anniversary, we set out on this adventure. We drove about 45 minutes from Big Bear to Lake Arrowhead to this remote dirt road that would lead us to a great fishing place.

Before I continue, I’ll give you a little background. We have a 1999 4×4 Blazer with over 200,000 miles. It’s in good condition but gets “tired” at times. My husband does a fabulous job with the maintenance on all our vehicles; this is truly why the Blazer is still “alive”! Before we left home, I prayed that our “blazey” would run well.

So, we drove onto this dirt road called Deep Creek that was supposed to lead to this fishing hole, ironically called Devil’s Hole. (Of all names!) This road is only for four-wheel drive vehicles. We were having a great ride, but we saw no one else on this off-road trail except for one dirt bike rider. As we proceeded, it started getting a bit gnarly! A little more than we anticipated. We stopped to take a look at the road, and we decided to continue down one more bend and then hike the rest of the way to the fishing hole.

As we drove around the bend, we looked at each other and said, “This may not have been the right decision.” At one point, we were teetering on two wheels! We got through it and stopped on a ledge. We could hear the river water and knew we were so close, but at the same time we knew that we were probably not going to get out! At that moment, literally within seconds — not even enough time to worry or get scared — a red Jeep appeared right beside us! It was like in the blink of an eye God placed this Jeep on this road right beside us!

The guy and my husband started to talk and decided that we wouldn’t get out without his help. We also realized that we had lost our four-wheel drive sometime during our ride and only had two-wheel drive!

I got out with our dogs and stood off to the side of the road and watched this miracle come to life. My husband got the Blazer turned around, which wasn’t an easy task because, at one point, one of the rear tires was hanging off the road. The guy with the Jeep winched the Blazer up part of the road so my husband could drive up to a safer part of the road. But then the ground was so soft that the rear tires were just spinning. After trying numerous times, the Jeep finally towed the Blazer up the road to the safer spot so we could eventually drive out.

This all happened in about a four-hour timeframe. Through all of this, I was thanking God for watching over us and sending this angel to help us. Here’s a short video of our rescue — turn your audio up, too!

Afterward, we thought, “Wow, this is not a weekend day. It’s a Monday! Why did this guy from Riverside, about 40 miles away, decide to pick this road of all the off-road trails to go on, especially when we did not previously see anyone on the road!” God made it happen. God took care of us. Even though it wasn’t easy, God was the one that led this Jeep to us and got us to safety.

Needless to say, we didn’t get to fish or hike, but we had an adventure on our seventh anniversary that we will never forget!

Military Miracles for July

It’s been a few years since our last military-themed Miracle Monday. Do you or someone you know have a testimony that has to do with the armed forces? (We’ll also take testimonies that have to do with firefighters, the police, or any other emergency workers). We’d love to hear about how God protects those who willingly put themselves in harm’s way to protect the rest of us. Click here to share your story, or email it to us.  

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


1 Comment

  1. Phillip Daniel

    Thank you for that. Not only was it both humorous and faith building, but what great timing. Today, June 5th, my Wife and I celebrate our 18th wedding anniversary. I shared the story with her and she loved it as well.


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Further Reading

Nothing to Fear

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Not Going to Oz Today

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