All Things Are Somethings to Him

by | Mar 17, 2016 | Devotional | 1 comment


It was a typical Sunday morning.

I put on my makeup and moved on to drying my hair. Round brush in hand, warm breeze on my face.
Then I looked in the mirror.

The top half of my head had turned a strange orange color and there was a funny smell in the room.

I was puzzled. Did the heat have a reaction with the thickening spray? Hmmm, weird.

I looked down at the countertop. Hair was everywhere.

Slightly more puzzled.

“Justin?” I yelled down the hallway. “Can you come here?”

Sure enough, my hair had caught on fire and burnt to a crisp. Yes, that’s right. I lost one too many hairs to count and I was still in a state of disbelief.

Did this really just happen? It felt like a scene from a romantic comedy movie. Girl burns hair while getting ready for important date; guy tells her not to worry, she’s still beautiful.

And so, I quickly went into “make limoncello out of lemons” mode.

I pulled the burnt pieces away and tried to make some kind of hairdo out of what was left behind with bobby pins and hair spray. I asked Justin probably no less than 50 times how it looked. (No less than 50 times he responded with, “Looks fine!”)

We proceeded as usual to church, laughing over the craziness that had occurred.

It seems so silly — my hair caught on fire from a spark inside the hair dryer and I was close to being the next Michael Jackson during his Pepsi commercial — and yet, it made me take a giant step back.

God knows the number of hairs on my head — and the number I lost. He cares about every.single.moment. The moments when we’re shaving our beards (no cuts? Thank God!); the moments we’re baking a pie (no burns? Thank God!). The moments we’re worried in waiting rooms (see a familiar face? Thank God!); the moments we lose our keys (find them after whispering a prayer? Thank God!).

We often focus on the “big” moments — losing our jobs, going through breakups, getting that unwelcome diagnosis — and those cause stress. But, don’t the sometimes “little” moments — the oddities of life so to speak — cause just as much stress? They often do for me.

You know how the story goes: He’s there, through it all. Through it all. And He’s proud to be. He wants to be.

So did I feel a little ridiculous a few hours later thanking God during our testimony service for being with me while I was getting ready for church that morning? A little. It’s only hair after all! But, the lesson I learned was: not to Him.

Little things are big things to Him. Big things are big things to Him. All things are somethings to Him. Remember to thank Him for all things.

“In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


  • Sister Natalie Shawver

    Sister Natalie is a proud Cincinnati girl who is never without a good book, cup of tea or husband Brother Justin, and favorite sidekick son Graham.

    View all posts Writer and word nerd extraordinaire. The smell of fall, fresh figs, tickling the ivories, and her cat. 2 Corinthians 4:17.

1 Comment

  1. Linda Scolaro

    Very inspiring. This brought a smile to my face. 🙂


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Further Reading

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