Have you ever had someone randomly pop into your head? Maybe it’s someone you haven’t seen in a while, or someone you haven’t even thought of in weeks, months, years. It could happen during your morning coffee or your bedtime prayers. Someone’s name comes to you, and you’re not sure why or what made you think of them.
It would be easy to brush it off and move on with your day, but what if there was a reason you thought of that person?
I had this happen to me not too long ago. I was going about my day as normal when suddenly a friend I hadn’t talked to in a while came to mind. At first, I didn’t do anything about it. I wondered how she was but didn’t take any action to find out the answer.
A couple of days later, there she was again. Front and center. This time, I at least thought about texting her to catch up, but my day grew busier. I said a quick prayer for her and had the best intentions of texting her soon.
Fast forward another week, and that text was never sent, and this person had set up camp in my mind. I finally stopped being stubborn and realized this wasn’t a random circumstance. This must be God prompting me to get in touch with her. I texted to her let her know she had been on my mind and that I was praying for her. Her response?
“This came at the PERFECT time.”
We had a wonderful conversation about where we were at that point in our lives and bonded over how we were both seeking God’s direction at that particular time. One text led to a reconnection and a vow to pray for each other as often as we could. The motivation that God gave me to text this person wasn’t just for her — it was for me too.
It is so important for us to check in with each other from time to time. A simple “thinking of you” or “praying for you” can turn someone’s day around. One conversation could change their outlook on a situation they’re navigating. God’s commandment to “love thy neighbor as thyself” (Matthew 22:39) isn’t just in grand gestures. It’s in everyday interactions, text conversations, and whispered prayers.
Philippians 2:4 says, “Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.”
The next time someone pops into your head, realize it’s not coincidence. Send the text. Make the call. Mail the card. Say the prayer. Often, the blessing in that small act is for you too.
This article has undergone ministry review and approval.
Beautiful article,Mallory. Thank you for these gentle reminders.
Really great blog! Often times when I am driving, I will see someone else on the road that I believe is one of my Brothers & Sisters but I know it could not be them so I will quickly say a prayer for them. I, too, believe that is God’s way of bringing people to mind to offer prayer.