Universal Remote

by | Oct 1, 2013 | Devotional | 10 comments

TV Remote ControlBy Brother Andrew DiNardo

Who hasn’t uttered, “Can it just be Friday already?” Who doesn’t love the weekend? No work. Time with family and friends. Sporting events. Church. Unfortunately, it can’t all be a bed of roses. We still need to work.

I just finished watching the movie “Click.” The main character is given a universal remote control that allows him to control his life. He can fast forward through the boring, mundane moments, the arguments, and sickness. He can rewind and relive any moment. He can pause moments. Sounds great, right?

Well, when he’s fast forwarding, he goes into autopilot and makes decisions without realizing it. Before he knows it, he’s lost his wife and doesn’t know his own children. He has all the earthly things he could want but loses what’s meaningful because he didn’t want to deal with hard times. I won’t give away the ending if you haven’t seen it yet.

I can’t just fast forward through the difficult times and sickness. While they may not be pleasant, every moment of my life serves a purpose. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 says, “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” Scripture says that there is a time and reason for everything. I may not see it. From the ground level, it’s impossible to see the whole picture. I don’t know why I’m going through certain things, but God does.

That includes the good, the bad, and in between. Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” All things work together for good. Not some or most or a few, A-L-L. Lonely nights. Terrible, no-good, rotten days at work or school. The hard break-ups. The “Why me?” moments. The awful illnesses. And the laughs. Long weekends spent with family and friends. Powerful church services. Getting a hard-earned A or promotion. They all serve a purpose.

So maybe, just maybe I need to stop waiting for the “weekends” in my life and make every day my Friday. In the static and noise of life, I find if I listen intently enough, I can hear God speaking through the white noise. He’s beckoning me to come to Him.

While I’m 28, single, still live at home, and have a job that drives me crazy, I am so blessed! Sooooo blessed! I have a family that loves me, friends that support me, the true gospel, a Savior who died for me, and a future that I cannot even fathom!

In the past few years, God has worked in my life in ways that I never imagined, and none of that would have been possible if I fast forwarded through life. When I’m not where I want to be in life, I must submit myself to the will of God. I must give Him my free moments, my bad times, my good times, and my heart. Then I must watch Him move! I know I’ll be surprised by just how many “weekends” I can squeeze into one lifetime when I give God control of my universal remote.



  1. Anthony S.

    (Applause) Really enjoyed this. No matter what happens, “it’s all good” when you let God take charge of your life. No worries; He’s got this!

  2. Anthony S.

    (Applause) Really enjoyed this. No matter what happens, “it’s all good” when you let God take charge of your life. No worries; He’s got this!

  3. The Church of Jesus Christ on Facebook

    Anthony S. commented on GospelBlog:

    (Applause) Really enjoyed this. No matter what happens, “it’s all good” when you let God take charge of your life. No worries; He’s got this!

  4. The Church of Jesus Christ on Facebook

    Anthony S. commented on GospelBlog:

    (Applause) Really enjoyed this. No matter what happens, “it’s all good” when you let God take charge of your life. No worries; He’s got this!

  5. Jonathan Scolaro

    God Bless you Bro. Andrew, what a great reminder of the perspective we should all have – though we all struggle with it from time to time. I know that God will continue to bless you as you as you continue to employ your talents for Him.

  6. Jonathan Scolaro

    God Bless you Bro. Andrew, what a great reminder of the perspective we should all have – though we all struggle with it from time to time. I know that God will continue to bless you as you as you continue to employ your talents for Him.

  7. The Church of Jesus Christ on Facebook

    Jonathan Scolaro commented on GospelBlog:

    God Bless you Bro. Andrew, what a great reminder of the perspective we should all have – though we all struggle with it from time to time. I know that God will continue to bless you as you as you continue to employ your talents for Him.

  8. The Church of Jesus Christ on Facebook

    Jonathan Scolaro commented on GospelBlog:

    God Bless you Bro. Andrew, what a great reminder of the perspective we should all have – though we all struggle with it from time to time. I know that God will continue to bless you as you as you continue to employ your talents for Him.

  9. Teri-Lyn Tunno

    LOVED your blog!! I agree that it is something I need to be to reminded of from time to time. Your words really touched my heart!! Thank God you were inspired!! 🙂

  10. The Church of Jesus Christ on Facebook

    Teri-Lyn Tunno commented on GospelBlog:

    LOVED your blog!! I agree that it is something I need to be to reminded of from time to time. Your words really touched my heart!! Thank God you were inspired!! 🙂


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Further Reading

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