Today’s “big decision” Miracle Monday was submitted by Sister Erin Light. Enjoy!
In the summer of 2016, I was looking to change jobs. I emailed, tweeted, messaged, LinkedIn-ed, and hand-delivered my resumes to employers that I could see myself working for.
But ever since I was young, I was taught to pray for all of my “flocks and fields” (Alma 37:37). I’m not a farmer; I don’t have any flocks or fields, but there are many aspects to my life that are as important to me as a farmer’s flocks and fields, and I want God to be involved in all of them. I asked for His help as I looked for a new job, if it was in His will, and I asked God to make the decision clear for me. I did not want to choose between two positions.
One early July morning, I got a voicemail, “Hello, I’m looking to speak to an Erin Light about a position at ABC Company. We received your contact information and resume from the Craigslist job post application you submitted and would like to schedule an interview.”
My first two thoughts were, “What company is that?” and, “My Craigslist application?” I’d never heard of this senior living company, and I did not even know Craigslist had job postings. I double-checked my resumes to see if I had sent one to them and forgotten about it — nothing.
That meant I was receiving a call from an unknown company that had a resume I never submitted, asking me to interview for the job position I applied for. Did I mention the person leaving the voicemail never said what the job position was?
As I called the HR representative, all I could think of was, “Well, I can probably figure out how to sell my experience to whatever unknown job position this is, but how am I going to find out where I need to interview?” While scheduling my job interview with this potential company — which I still had yet to look up on the Internet — I told the HR rep I’d be happy to come in if she could just remind me what street the company was located on. She gave me the street address, and we hung up the phone. I spent the next 20 minutes on Google Maps searching all the possible locations of where this street name and this company might intersect. I finally narrowed it down to a community less than an hour from my home (They wouldn’t send me to interview in Northern California, would they?) and hoped I would arrive at the right location.
The day of the interview arrived, and I can’t tell you how relieved I was when the receptionist said she was expecting me. “Great! I’m at the right place,” I thought. “Now I need to find out the job position.” I was whisked into the HR office and met Jane, who thanked me for applying to the director position. “A director position! Well this sounds great!” During the interview, I found out this position was for a registered nurse, but they were intrigued enough by my Masters in Gerontology to call me in for an interview despite not having a nursing license.
A few weeks later, I was standing up in the Sunday testimony service thanking God; it was my first week working a job I’d never applied to with a company I’d never heard of in a specialized director position I didn’t even know existed, which should’ve gone to a nurse.
This is not a coincidence. I would’ve never found that job without the Lord. I would’ve never searched Craigslist for job postings, and I wouldn’t have applied to a position with R.N. as part of the qualifications. God heard my prayers, submitted an application for me, and all the honor and glory goes to Him!
So, the next time you’re looking for a job — or any extra guidance over your flocks and fields — keep in mind that God already sees ahead, and He wants to direct you to His next plan for you. If we only ask and leave the decision up to Him while putting in effort, He will provide better than we can imagine.
“Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good; yea, when thou liest down at night lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in your sleep; and when thou risest in the morning let thy heart be full of thanks unto God; and if ye do these things, ye shall be lifted up at the last day.” (Alma 37:37)
Lost & Found Miracles
Next month, our theme is “lost and found.” Whether your story is about losing your car keys or your hope, we’d love to hear how God intervened in your life. Click here to submit your story, or email it to us!
This article has undergone ministry review and approval.