Whatever the Weather

by | May 23, 2022 | Devotional | 0 comments


This excursion was going to be one of the highlights of my family’s trip to the beautiful country of Austria. We had purchased tickets to The Sound of Music tour, and today was the day we had eagerly anticipated.

How excited we were to visit the glorious baroque church where Maria married the Captain, the gazebo where Liesl sweetly sang, “I Am Sixteen,” and the lake where the Von Trapp children tumbled off of a rowboat only to drench their clothing before meeting the Baroness.

Yes, our family loved the movie. But the single most anticipated sight was going to be our visit to the lush, verdant meadow where Maria sang the opening title song, “The hills are alive with the sound of music.”

That day, however, the weather was not cooperating. Gray clouds blotted out the sun. A soft drizzle turned into pelting rain. The windows inside the bus were foggy from condensation due to dozens of frustrated tourists breathing against the glass. Everyone was craning their necks for a peek at this iconic vista.

By the time we pulled up to the famous spot, our view was completely obliterated. We couldn’t even disembark from the bus because of the inclement weather. What a disappointment!

What made this all the more upsetting was that we KNEW what lay just beyond our view. The majestic grandeur of the Austrian Alps in all of their glory was right there, but we couldn’t see it. Not today. Not under these conditions. Our day ended in one big, soggy letdown.

Today, when I think of that moment, I compare it to how we sometimes approach spiritual challenges. We have a lifetime of experiences to draw from, where God has proven time and again His faithfulness, His patience, and His mercy. Yet, we see the trouble in front of us and we can become fearful, even angry. It’s as if we didn’t know who He was and what He could do..

Beyond the problem sits the mountain that IS God. He is immovable, unshakeable, powerful and ever-present. God is there. Always. Even when we can’t see Him. We simply must be patient. We need to wait with anticipation for the clouds to disappear while we surrender our concerns to Him. He is at work, out of our natural view, keeping His promises as an all-knowing and loving God. And in the waiting we can recall His goodness towards us and ponder His blessings with a grateful heart. 

Isn’t He worthy of that kind of response? Hasn’t He earned our trust? And when the conditions change—and they will change—our view will once again become clear. 

The mountain that IS God has stayed steadfast with us through the storm.

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


  • Darlene Ignagni

    A native Detroiter, Sister Darlene has lived in Texas for over 30 years. She, along with her husband Brother Joe, are recently retired educators who spend part time in Alabama with their daughter, Chelsea, and visiting the Saints in Southeast Florida.

    View all posts Serving God in His church while enjoying the freedom that retirement brings The sound of the saints singing on a Sunday morning, a great testimony meeting, the beauty of nature, listening to music (most genres), and laughing with my husband Ephesians 4:1


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Further Reading

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