Wait on the Lord

by | Sep 6, 2021 | Miracles | 1 comment


Today’s Miracle Monday is an experience had by Sister Denise DiFalco Dickson, which she shared in her testimony in March 2021.

In early 2021, I was downcast over the state of our country and the direction it was going. There were a few personal struggles I was also facing. One morning in March, I awoke to this verse on my mind: 

But they that shall wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength: they shall mount themselves as eagles; and they shall run and not be weary. (Isaiah 40:31)

A few hours later I received a telephone call from the nursing center where my mother was placed because she has dementia. Due to the Covid pandemic, I was not allowed to see my mother in person for an entire year, and this was extremely difficult for me. But on this particular day, a staff member called to ask if I would like to come and visit her. Visit her?!

To me, this was a miracle and I was elated! Our coming together was bittersweet because my mom no longer recognizes me, but I was so thankful to see that her spirits were very high. At least she was now content and at peace with where she was, and I thank the Lord for that.

Within that same week, I witnessed the hand of God move on my behalf once again. 

My life insurance ends the day I turn 65, which is coming up this year. This has been weighing on my mind for a while because I knew that, with my many pre-existing conditions, it would not be possible to obtain new insurance.

Not wanting to be a burden to my family, I was upset by this. I should have brought it to the Lord in prayer. But God knew this was on my mind, and I received a notice in the mail from the place I have been banking with for 15 years. I had completely forgotten that when I first opened that account, I got a small life insurance policy. Not once had I heard from them since. As it turns out, as a reward for my faithful membership with them, they now offered more life insurance coverage to me (with no questions asked) as long as I paid the premiums. 

Again, God moved mountains to give me exactly what I needed. He is always so good. I am so thankful that He renews my strength so perfectly!

But they that shall wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength: they shall mount themselves as eagles; and they shall run and not be weary. (Isaiah 40:31)

When the Wait Is Over

So often, we must wait for God to open doors. And when He does, we rejoice! Did today’s article remind you of a time when you were waiting and then … one day the wait was over? Because God showed up? Click here to tell us all about it. 

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


1 Comment

  1. Sister Amaris

    Thank you Sister. I have been away from the church for a while due to the pandemic and personal reasons. This is just what I needed to hear. God continues to move and work behind the scenes when we need Him the most.


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Further Reading

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