Trivia: The Early Days of the Restoration

by | Oct 17, 2019 | Trivia/Games | 2 comments


Recently, I started teaching lessons about the early days of the restoration, using Brother V. J. Lovalvo’s book, “It is Written Truth Shall Spring Out Of The Earth.” Brother V. J., for those who may not know of him, was an apostle in the Church and passed away several years ago. He wrote this book using historical records, personal testimonies and letters, church literature, and scripture to describe the events from the establishment of the Church by Jesus to the organization of The Church of Jesus Christ as we know it today.

Our lessons are concentrating on the latter part of the book and the restoration. There are many things I’m learning as I prepare each lesson that I don’t remember hearing before. I felt some of the facts would be great review questions. See how many you know already and how many are new to you.

The answers will be at the end with a reference to where it came from in the book so you can look it up if you like.

1. Joseph was told to join none of the existing churches because their _____ were an abomination unto the Lord.

  1. Preaching
  2. Ordinances
  3. People
  4. Creeds (beliefs)

2. Joseph was visited again in September 1823. Who visited him this time?

  1. Moroni
  2. Nephi
  3. Lehi
  4. Mormon

3. Joseph was shown the location of the plates during this visitation in 1823. When was he actually given the plates?

  1. During this experience in 1823
  2. One year later (1824)
  3. Two years later (1825)
  4. Three years later (1826)
  5. Four years later (1827)

4. Joseph described what he found in the box in Hill Cumorah to his wife, Emma. He described the plates as being gold and in the form of a book, being held together by rings. True or False?

5. What else did Joseph find in the box with the plates?

  1. A sword
  2. A breastplate that looked like a piece of armor
  3. A curious, round, hollow object
  4. Other plates that were not part of the ringed book
  5. The Urim and Thummim (two glass like stones set in a bow that looked like glasses)
  6. All of the above

6. Besides the times he worked on it himself, how many others helped by writing the translation as Joseph read the plates (transcribing for him)? 

  1. No one else
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 3

7. The priesthood authority was restored on May 15, 1829. After translating the account of Christ’s ministry in America, Joseph and Oliver Cowdery prayed that the authority would be restored. When God answered this prayer, who conferred the priesthood authority on them?

  • Moroni
  • Peter
  • The Angel of the Lord
  • None of the above 


1. Creeds (Ch. 20, page 191)

2. Moroni (Ch. 20, page 193)

3. Four years later in 1827 (Ch. 21, page 204)

4. True. Joseph said the binding was curious, and for good reason, as no one in 1827 had seen a book bound by rings before. The three-ring binder was invented in Germany almost 60 years later (Ch. 21, page 207, binder information found on Google)

5. All of the above (Ch. 21, page 208)

6. 3 people: Martin Harris, Emma Smith, and Oliver Cowdery (Ch. 21 pages 209-214)

7. The Angel of the Lord (Ch. 21 pages 217)

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


  • Brother Rich Nath

    Brother Rich lives in Katy, Texas, with wife Tracy, son Jack, and Penny the dog.

    View all posts Corporate trainer for the business aviation segment of a large corporation. Competing in triathlons, Pittsburgh sports, relaxing with family. 2 Nephi 2:25-27.


  1. Phil Benyola

    Awesome! TY!

  2. Teri-Lyn Tunno

    This proved to be very interesting and telling that I was not aware of somethings. Very cool!


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