The Value of Loyalty

by | Jan 30, 2020 | Church Values | 0 comments


Value: Loyalty 

Definition: Feelings of devoted attachment and affection that generate supportive actions. 

Vital Verses

  • “And they answered Joshua, saying, all that thou commandest us we will do, and whithersoever thou sendest us, we will go.” – Joshua 1:16
  • “Wherefore it came to pass that my father, Lehi, as he went forth prayed unto the Lord, yea, even with all his heart, in behalf of his people.” – I Nephi 1:5

Scriptural Example 

Joshua demonstrated loyalty when he was commanded by God to lead Israel after Moses had died. Joshua was loyal to God by obeying His commandment to “be strong and of a good courage…” (Joshua 1:8), and he fulfilled his obligations as a leader. Lehi also demonstrated loyalty when he prayed with all his heart on behalf of the people of Jerusalem when the Lord instructed him and his family to flee. Lehi was completely devoted to the Lord and had absolute faithfulness in him (1 Nephi 1). 

Life Application 

As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ, it’s imperative that we are loyal to the commitment we made to the Lord at the water’s edge on the day of our baptism. We answered two important questions that day: 1) Do you repent of your sins? and 2) Do you promise to love and serve God all the days of your life?

As members, we should have “feelings of devoted attachment and affection that generate supportive actions” to our service to God. Think of how loyal God is to us! It’s important to show loyalty as part of our daily lives in relationships, at home, and at work.

Loyalty builds trust. If we commit to obligations faithfully, then we are being loyal to our friends, family, bosses, and to God. Always being there for others and going out of your way to help someone are examples of how we can demonstrate loyalty in our lives.

We can be loyal to many people and things, but by choosing to yield loyalty to the Lord — which starts with our choice at the water’s edge — He can use us in wonderful ways for the up-building of his kingdom. 

Points to Ponder

  • Do I demonstrate loyalty in my relationship with family, friends, church members, God?
  • When someone asks me to pray for them, am I being loyal in actually saying a prayer for that person?
  • When I commit to an obligation, do I fulfill the task to the best of my ability?

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The theme is how God directed you to your spouse. Click here to share your story for publication here on the blog.

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.



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Further Reading

Family Reunions

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The Value of Responsibility

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