The Kind of Gift You Don’t Return

by | Dec 27, 2021 | Testimonies | 5 comments


Today, we’re sharing an article from Sister Gelsa Staley, in which she reflects on a Christmas gift she received years ago.

Anyone who knows me knows that I have a terrible habit of returning things that I buy.

First, it takes me a really long time to purchase an item — visiting many stores for the best buy — and then once I finally purchase it, I worry about the cost and did I really need it? Although I tried on a clothing item, for example, and liked the fit, color, and look at the store, that all somehow changes when I get home.

My friends and family ask me all the time — Do you really like this, or are you going to return it?

This Christmas, my girlfriend gave me a coffee mug that reads, “A Friend is a Gift (the kind you won’t return).” By the way, that was the second gift she gave me because I didn’t like the first one!

The mug, though, fit me to a T. First, I love coffee, and, second, a true friend is a gift that I won’t return.

Now, what if I substitute the word “friend” for “salvation”? Or “Jesus”? Would I think of returning it? I did once, and it was a mistake I never want to repeat. Salvation is the best gift this world has been given, but many have returned it and many have still not accepted it.

Salvation always looks good on me. The fit is perfect, not too big or too small. The color brightens my skin tone and makes my eyes sparkle. And, best of all, I truly do need it, and it’s free. Why would I ever return that gift?

I thank God daily for the gift of salvation. He didn’t have to die for me and you, and yet He did. He gave it all, and the very least I can do is treasure His gift to me and to mankind. What do I have to give Him in return? All He asks for is that I love Him with all my soul, mind, and strength and that I love others as He loves me. That’s a gift that keeps on giving.

Let’s Hear from You!

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This article has undergone ministry review and approval.



  1. Linda Scolaro

    Beautiful testimony!

  2. Brother Gary Thompson

    Awesome testimony Sister.

    • Sister Jan Humphrey

      Sister I loved your analogy of shopping and returning! I can relate. Salvation IS the best gift and I too almost returned it. Thank God, lesson learned!!

  3. Christina DiCenzo

    Amen Sister!
    We are very much alike!
    God, please help us to stay out of the stores. 🤣.
    True gifts do not come with price tags!

  4. Sister Valerie Dulisse

    Sister Gelsa,
    Beautiful, thought- provoking message! We can all relate to this gift and the Giver, who extends to us the loving invitation to accept the gift of His salvation, but never forces it upon us, giving us the freedom to choose. I pray that more people will willingly and joyfully accept this wonderful, incomparable gift in the New Year!!! God bless a with an open heart to embrace our Lord and all He has prepared for us!


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Further Reading

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