Tell God You Love Him

by | Aug 18, 2022 | Serving God | 0 comments

I recently watched a TV show where heaven was portrayed as a corporation with God as the leader. One of the running jokes of the show was God telling one particular employee that He loved him over and over again, with the employee never reciprocating. Instead, he would say, “Okay, thanks,” accompanied by an uncomfortable smile as he walked away as fast as possible. Finally, at the end of the show, God tried one more time: “I love you.” This time the employee responded with the words God longed to hear, “I love you, too.” God was so happy!

While this show was satirical and in no way scriptural, it did make me think. 

God shows us daily that He loves us. He blesses us with beautiful sunshine, heals us when we’re sick, keeps us safe as we drive, brings hymns to mind just when we need them…the list could go on and on. 

Are we saying “I love you” back?

There are many ways throughout our day that we can take a minute—or second!—to make sure God knows we love Him:

  • Say it! (Psalm 18: 1-3)
  • Keep His commandments (John 14:15)
  • Show love to others (1 John 4:21, Luke 6:27-28)
  • Put Him first (Matthew 6:19-21; 22:37)

God loves us so much—imagine how happy it makes Him to know we love Him too! And happier yet when we show Him. We should jump at each chance, as He has made us happy countless times. 

When we love God and show it, those around us take notice. That is our opportunity to share God’s love and help someone else on their journey toward loving God. What a beautiful circle to be part of. 
“…God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.” I John 4:16

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


  • Sister Mallory McNamara

    Sister Mallory lives in Columbus, Ohio, and attends the Columbus Branch.

    View all posts Event operations coordinator. Traveling, spending time with loved ones, and trying new, creative outlets. Philippians 4:11.


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Further Reading

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