This last venture into the “For Us” portion of the word of God takes us to Romans 8, where the two-word combination is used four times within a ten-verse span of scripture. It seems when God wants to bring something to our attention, He repeats it. In our own...
Jesus continues to address the Pharisees who have been critical of Him spending time with sinful people. He has already shared two parables with them that liken sinners to a sheep that wanders away and gets lost and to a coin that someone loses. In both parables,...
My attendance at the Gathering of Tribal Nations Conference in Green Bay had had a great impact on me. Throughout those three days I was powerfully reminded of why I had left my home as a young man in 1973 to move to the Navajo Reservation; and a great desire to...
Suppose you’re planning a wedding celebration for your daughter. As part of the planning, you make a guest list to include relatives and friends who you would like to have at the wedding. Everybody has a wonderful time, and the event is a great success. A few months...
Within today’s culture exists an insatiable need to prove self-worth and value by being the best. From cereal boxes to politics, we’re bombarded with claims of superiority on a daily basis. As a result, some endeavor under the constant pressure to prove their...
Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.
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