Sunday School Answers – Part 2

by | Aug 1, 2017 | Devotional | 1 comment


As a follow-up to my article titled “The Sunday School Answer,” I decided to seek some Sunday school answers myself. I decided to ask a handful of seasoned saints from my branch a simple question: How do I keep my faith strong? I set the scene by asking them if somebody of any age approached them with this question, how would they respond? I even dared to ask them a follow-up: Why?

Brother Joe Ciarolla: Searching the word of God and fasting and praying.

Why? I know the hereafter. It tells me what I must do to reach the kingdom of God.

Brother Saul Tapia: Singing songs of praise and fellowshipping with the saints. Hearing and reading His word.

Why? It contains the answers and gives us the strength we don’t have. My strength comes from the Lord and by understanding his message.

Brother Alfredo Mosqueda: Praying without ceasing.

Why? To be constantly held up and guided by the spirit.

Sister Rose Lovalvo: Seek guidance and prayer from the ministry. Fast and pray and read scripture.

Why? Reading scripture is my looking glass. It will strengthen you.

Sister Rosita Mosqueda: Praying and attending Church consistently.

Why? It is pleasing to the Lord and is far worth it to me. It keeps me in unison with His spirit.

Brother Leonard Lovalvo: By seeking the word of God and fasting and praying.

Why? It brings me the strength I need. I am only human, and I need the Lord’s strength.

There are definitely some very consistent answers among my brothers and sisters. When I find myself in a trial and I seek an answer, do I pray enough about it rather than complain about my current situation? Do I seek the word of God rather than the words of a fellow coworker who may not necessarily be rooted in the Gospel or hope to find an inspirational quote on my Facebook feed? Do I set aside time to fast for an answer rather than hope it magically falls in my lap?

Post a comment below with YOUR answer to the question, “How do I keep my faith strong?”

Bio Zarella

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


1 Comment

  1. Brother Gary Thompson

    Looking to and Praying to GOD in all things not just the things I think HE wants to hear. Fasting and Praying. Why you ask? Because HIS WORD which is 100% Truth tells us to take all things to THE LORD. Also, HIS WORD tells us and gives us examples that Fasting and Praying will without a doubt make us stronger in our walk with HIM.


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