Spread the Good Word: Psalm 119:45

by | Jul 24, 2020 | The Good Word | 0 comments


Good Word Friday theme: Freedom and liberty

Today’s Good Word says that when we seek God’s precepts, we walk at liberty. In other words, if we follow God and obey His commandments, then we are at liberty to walk down that path. That road is clear and uncluttered. It’s a secure, sure walk, guided by a rod of iron.

Some chafe at this notion of liberty: “So I’m only ‘free’ to do what God wants. That’s not real freedom.” Oh, but it is. It’s the difference between using an elevator versus climbing through the chimney.

God’s precepts are freeing compared to what the world has to offer. Other paths advertise freedom, but they lead to bondage. Let’s stay on the road of God’s generous and loving grace by submitting to Him as our loving Father. He gives so freely to His children; let’s walk close to His side.

And I will walk at liberty: for I seek thy precepts. (Psalm 119:45)

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


  • Sister Michelle Watson

    Sister Michelle Watson lives in the remote White Mountains of Arizona with husband, Brother Michael, and two miracle-born boys.

    View all posts Full-time mother, part-time freelance writer/editor Reading an entire book in one day, pretty hikes, sushi, libraries, dad jokes, and long periods of silence 1 John 1:9


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Further Reading

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