Spread the Good Word: Philippians 4:7

by | Jul 27, 2018 | The Good Word | 1 comment


“I shouldn’t be OK, but I’m OK.”

Have you ever heard someone who is going through a trial say this? Maybe they’re facing a scary health issue, a job loss, financial crisis, or family troubles. The circumstances aren’t good, yet the person isn’t totally dejected and downtrodden. 

The person is probably experiencing the peace of God that passes understanding. 

It’s when you have an extraordinary sense of calm come over your mind and heart even though a storm is raging. 

This peace is rooted in eternity rather than the present. When today brings everything evil under the sun, God’s peace reminds us of tomorrow, and the next day, and even the day after our last day on earth when we experience the next life — made possible by Jesus Christ.

If you are in need of some supernatural peace today, we hope that today’s Good Word comforts you.

Meet the Designer

Bio Missy

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


  • Sister Erin Light

    Sister Erin lives in a quaint Southern California city nestled into the foothills of Orange County, just a quick drive to both the Irvine Branch and the beach.

    View all posts Administrator of a memory care assisted living community. Exploring local beach towns, cooking, painting, and being with God's wonderful people. Psalm 91.

1 Comment

  1. Teri-Lyn Tunno

    This is the peace we need today! God bless you!


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Further Reading

Present Tense

https://youtu.be/PS4SwyAYcXE “Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.” (John 8:58) Is that a typo? The English language rules are not in play with this translation of Jesus’s profound quote to the Jews. In...

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God’s Unopened Messages

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