Today is our final Good Word Friday from the book of James. In chapter four, James gives us an important key to spiritual growth and maturity. In order to grow in God, we must submit ourselves to Him and resist the devil.
What does it mean to submit to God? Think on that one for a minute…
It means more than just believing in Jesus — it means actually following His lead instead of going our own way. It means letting go of our fleshly desires and pursuing the (better) things that He has for us instead. John the Baptist said it best: “He must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30).
Now, if we do all that and the devil still comes a-knockin’ with temptations and trials, does that mean we’ve failed? Nope! He’s always going to be peddling his false goods; that’s not going to change. Our duty, according to this verse, is to resist buying what he’s selling. We’ve got to send him on his way disappointed. And he will go — the verse says so! One word from Jesus Christ on our behalf, and he’ll be running for the hills.
Submit to God; resist the devil. Repeat, repeat, repeat. And watch how the Lord changes you!
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This article has undergone ministry review and approval.
Thank the Lord!!! I dont know why Im surprised when I read the blog and it ALWAYS just what I NEED for the day…but, its what I need, everyday…thank you…