Spread the Good Word: Hebrews 4:16

by | Nov 29, 2019 | The Good Word | 0 comments


We’re concluding this month’s theme, “Boldness,” with today’s verse from Hebrews. It tells us to come boldly to the throne of grace. Two things are striking about this seemingly simple exhortation:

First, we’re to approach God boldly, or with confidence. Do you remember the Old Testament temple? The Holiest of Holies was where God was supposed to meet with man. It was the innermost of several chambers, and the high priests were the only humans who could tread there, and even then, only by obeying God’s instructions.

Contrast that imagery with the picture that’s painted here. Any human — not just a native-born Israelite — can come before God with confidence. That’s you and me. We can approach God in prayer right now and gain audience! And, in the next life, we can approach His wonderful throne in heaven.

What we’re allowed to do under the new covenant is seriously bold compared to what things were like under the Law of Moses.

Second interesting thing: It’s a throne of grace. There is a judgment bar there, too, of course. There is an accuser who will make an airtight case for why our souls don’t belong with God. Everything about our lives will be exposed, and the accuser will demand from us an accounting.

Before we can utter a word in our defense, Jesus Christ — the ultimate high priest, who can personally empathize with the weakness of flesh — will come to our rescue. He will give an account of His own perfect life, and His grace will balance the scales.

Until we meet Jesus at that throne of grace, we can get as near as possible to God through prayer. Like Nephi, we can wax bold in mighty prayer (2 Nephi 4:24), and what can we boldly expect to happen? Hebrews 4 tells us that we can expect to receive mercy for our sins and to find grace to help us in times of need. What more can we ask for?

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.



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Further Reading

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