Spread the Good Word: Ether 12:27 (Part 2)

by | Apr 26, 2019 | The Good Word | 0 comments


Last week, we read the first part of Ether 12:27 and learned how weakness makes us humble and how humility helps us to receive Christ’s saving grace, which is God’s ultimate goal for our lives.

Today, we see that this verse ends on a high note: God makes weak things strong.

In context, this refers to salvation — we are too weak to save ourselves, but Christ’s strength covers our weakness and gives us the opportunity for eternal life. Praise God!

But what about in this life? Have you experienced what it’s like to have Jesus take a weakness and turn it into a strength? Maybe you’ve heard testimonies to this effect. For example, many ministers used to have a crippling fear of public speaking. Many saints had a hard time sharing the Lord with others but soon grew to love it. Some people thought they’d never be able to stand up in a testimony meeting or pray aloud in front of others or teach a class, and now look at them.

This is one of the huge benefits of giving our lives to Christ. He is the potter, and we are the clay. If we let Him, He can mold and shape us into useful tools in His hands. Often, this means strengthening our weak areas, filling up our deficiencies, and smoothing our rough edges.

These are marks of discipleship, and we should rejoice when we look back and see how much we’ve grown. Of course, we’ll always have weaknesses that draw us closer to God’s grace, but we can praise Him for the victories that He allows us to experience in this life.

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.



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Further Reading

Present Tense

https://youtu.be/PS4SwyAYcXE “Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.” (John 8:58) Is that a typo? The English language rules are not in play with this translation of Jesus’s profound quote to the Jews. In...

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The Manna-fest Word of God

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