Spread the Good Word: Alma 37:35

by | Jun 28, 2019 | The Good Word | 1 comment


For our last Good Word Friday on the topic of “learning,” we bring to you the famous advice that Alma gave to his son, Helaman.

This statement seems pretty basic — learn the ways of God when you’re young — but how often is it really followed? How many children and young people today are taught to keep the commandments of God?

In many instances, when people are young, they learn how to break the commandments of God — or circumvent them or alter them or ignore them. Then, later as adults, they come to themselves and decide to truly learn the ways of God. Alma says that we don’t have to live this life of heartache.

If you’re a parent, guardian, or caregiver for a child or young person, then you have a great responsibility, according to Alma. Teach them to keep the commandments of God.

Sometimes it’s easy to get wrapped up in the daily grind of teaching the kids to tie their shoes, to eat with a spoon, to use their “indoor voice,” and even to get the correct answer in math, but we become slack about our higher calling.

We’ve got to teach them the commandments of God, bringing the children to God’s feet, introducing them to their loving Creator, and explaining why the commandments work to our benefit. We’ve got to touch their hearts.

Then, we’ve got to give them the tools to keep the commandments, starting with our own life example for them to model.

When people learn the ways of God at a young age, they are equipped with everything they need — most importantly, the inner qualities — to face life with their confidence in God.

Attention All Church Teachers!

Need a Sunday school lesson? Asked to cover MBA this week? Working on seminar material for a camp?

Did you know that the church website has a lesson database where you can access previously taught lessons written by your brothers and sisters from around the church? If you need a ready-made lesson pronto or you’re simply looking for resources, check it out here!

Don’t miss the (hilarious) promo video below that shows you what it’s all about in more detail.

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


  • Sister Linda Scolaro

    Sister Linda lives in Chandler, Arizona, with husband Brother Anthony, two beautiful teenage daughters, Cat and Cristina, and dog Stetson.

    View all posts Reading specialist. To read and crochet. Matthew 6:31-33.

1 Comment

  1. Rosemary Banes

    Great Testimony !
    If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love.
    If you want to know who Jesus Christ is follow ChristNow.


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Further Reading

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