Refreshing Your Spirit

by | Aug 24, 2017 | Devotional | 2 comments


What things help you feel refreshed with the Lord? For me, there’s just something about being surrounded by nature that is spiritually refreshing.

We live in the country, and I love being outside. It’s peaceful — the birds are chirping and the bugs are buzzing. I love walking around our property and seeing deer, rabbits, and peaches ripening on our tree. I enjoy smelling the flowers as we walk past them, hearing the woodpecker knocking and the cows across the road, seeing the butterflies our daughter catches…

Seeing all of God’s beauty around me has given me a deeper appreciation for nature.

While outside the other day, we saw two bald eagles flying over our home. Wow, what a sight to see! They are such majestic birds. I couldn’t take my eyes off of them. What is it about nature that refreshes my spirit?

I believe it’s in these quiet moments that I not only see God’s beauty, but I can feel His presence.

As the wind blows through the woods, the leaves flutter and the braches crackle … I see His beauty.

When our children play outside and are filled with laughter … I feel His presence.

You see, He’s all around us. He’s always there when we need to refresh our spirit. When we reach out to Him, He reaches out to us.

“But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)

Bio Colleen

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


  • Sister Colleen Moore

    Sister Colleen Moore lives in the beautiful Ohio countryside with husband Jake and three children.

    View all posts Wife, mother, and homeschool mama. Selling makeup, reading, cooking and fitness. Psalm 91.


  1. Brother Gary Thompson

    All Thanks and Praise be to JESUS for our Gospel Blog team. You Brothers and Sisters do a awesome job on relaying the things of GOD to everyone in such a simple straightforward manner. Another great article. Thank you.

  2. Teri-Lyn Tunno

    I totally agree with you Sis. Colleen. What is it about nature that refreshes the spirit? I would have to say that for me, nature is untouched and innocent in regards to the world today… an extension of Heaven. There is a peace and simplicity of life. I think if we saw animals walking around with headphones or cell phones, it would lose its appeal. 🙂


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Further Reading

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