Our Lifelong Group Project

by | May 26, 2022 | United, Working for Jesus | 0 comments

Remember group projects?

For some of us, they’re not so far in the past. For others of us, they are (happily) a distant memory. 

As an introvert, it always stressed me out to have to partner up with people who I barely knew, not knowing how seriously they would take the project. Why should my grade potentially suffer because of someone else’s lack of ambition? Why should someone else get the same grade as me even though I put in most of the work? 

As I got older, I realized those group projects were less about the subject and more about learning to work together. Learning to motivate each other. Learning to take constructive criticism. Learning to contribute where I could and letting others contribute where I couldn’t.

While I no longer have to endure mandatory school projects, there is one lifetime group project I’m happy to be part of—being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ. 

We’ve been assigned to work together. To take on different responsibilities. To recognize strength that others may consider weakness. To keep each other accountable. To learn from each other. We put in the hard work toward our common goals: Sharing the Gospel. Serving God to the best of our ability. Walking through those pearly gates. 

Sounds like an easy A, right? …Maybe not.

A lot of us have differing opinions. Some might be willing to give more than others. Some are open to new strategies while others are set in their ways. It’s not easy to collaborate when we don’t always agree. But these things cannot deter us from the end goal. We need each other. God has individually chosen every one of us for this assignment. He expects us to put aside our differences and work together to further His gospel here on Earth. 

Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up. – Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


  • Sister Mallory McNamara

    Sister Mallory lives in Columbus, Ohio, and attends the Columbus Branch.

    View all posts Event operations coordinator. Traveling, spending time with loved ones, and trying new, creative outlets. Philippians 4:11.


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Further Reading

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