“For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole.” (Mark 5:28)

Can you imagine having that kind of faith? 

Scripture tells us the woman who spoke these words had been sick for 12 years. She spent everything that she had to go through all kinds of tests and treatments with many different physicians just to end up worse than she was before (Mark 5:25-26). If anyone deserved to feel defeated, it was her.

Then she heard Jesus was coming and immediately she knew.

She knew all she needed to do to be healed was to touch His clothes. One touch of the garment that hung upon Jesus Christ. That’s all it would take.

Then she made it happen! Christ was walking by, and she touched the hem of His garment, and her years of suffering were over! One touch and she was made completely whole!

She didn’t wait until Jesus was alone so she could explain her situation. Nor did she ask Him to stop and lay hands on her that she might be healed.

She didn’t say a word.

All it took was one touch.

Not only is this woman’s tremendous faith something to admire, but it’s what she did with it that bore such a huge blessing. She took action, knowing without a doubt that this miracle would take place. And it did.

What if you are only one action away from a giant blessing? One job application. One prayer. One conversation. Let your faith lead those actions, and God will never let you down.

“For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.” (James 2:26)

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


  • Sister Mallory McNamara

    Sister Mallory lives in Columbus, Ohio, and attends the Columbus Branch.

    View all posts Event operations coordinator. Traveling, spending time with loved ones, and trying new, creative outlets. Philippians 4:11.


  1. Elizabeth Balilo

    Hi Sister Mallory, Thank you for writing this piece. It is beautiful. So simple and true. I was touched. May God continue to bless you.

    Sister Elizabeth Balilo from Simi Valley, Ca

  2. Theresa Bravo

    Thank you, Sister Mallory. This dear woman is an encouragement to all of us. God bless!


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Further Reading

A Barren Woman Who Prayed

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Lovest Thou Me More Than These?

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