Melodies with Meaning: It Is Well With My Soul

by | Jun 11, 2020 | Music & Singalongs | 3 comments


Here’s the next installment of “Melodies with Meaning,” where our columnists tell you about some of their favorite spiritual songs. Today, we’re hearing from Brother P.

Sister Michelle asked us to write a blog about a song that has meaning to us, but I cheated and picked just one line of a song:

First, I want to ask you, “How could you ever have a good thought about sin?” Much less a glorious thought about it, unless…

…unless you consider that it has been nailed to the cross, and you don’t have to carry it anymore. Then, all you are left with is praising God!

“My sin, oh the bliss of this glorious thought,
My sin not in part, but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, oh my soul.”

You know, my sin wasn’t actually nailed to the cross — it wouldn’t stick — so instead Jesus took that sin upon Himself, the sin that I had committed, the sin that I had no business committing, the sin that He had no business carrying, and He carried it to that cross.

Jesus, I praise You for your unbelievable love and forgiveness! Jesus, You are worthy to be praised! Jesus, You are amazing! Jesus, You are righteous! Jesus, You are holy! And I am thankful.

(I dare you to read that last part again, but don’t read it to yourself, read it out loud to Jesus.)

Bio Emil

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


  • Brother P.

    Brother P. lives in the mountains with his wife and two boys who he's tremendously thankful for.

    View all posts Physical therapist. Laying on the roof looking up at the stars with my boys, fishing on the lake, glassing deer, doing anything outside. 2 Nephi 4:16-35.


  1. Brother Gary Thompson

    Thank you Brother P. Thank you JESUS for your love and compassion on a sinner like me. Love you so much.

  2. Sis. Chatavia

    I couldn’t read it aloud without getting choked up.

  3. Suzanne Beeman

    Sis Chatavia I am right there with you. I am getting ready to get on a webinar for work when I read it out loud. All choked up on love and gratitude. It is going to be a glorious day. Hope you have one too.


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Further Reading

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