Love, Oh, What Love!

by | Feb 29, 2016 | Testimonies | 3 comments


For the last day of our love-related theme, we’re celebrating the little acts of kindness and compassion that the people of God do for one another. When we put others first and ourselves second, it’s a small kind of miracle. Hope this makes your heart leap on Leap Year Day.

Love at its best is a verb. Demonstrated with actions, this kind of love speaks louder than words. Many times it means “showing up.”

I have been blessed to see the love of God in action expressed by the kindness of my brothers and sisters in times of need. Today, I want to tell about three wonderful saints and their compassion that stands as a testimony to God’s goodness working through them.

At 13 years old, my father spent the last six months of his life in a steady decline, dying from cancer. My mother cared for him while taking care of us, her four daughters. As time went on, he began to sleep very poorly; my mother would be up sometimes all night tending to him.

Brother Wibert McNeil, an elder and close family friend, visited often. Seeing my mother struggle under the burden and unable to get enough rest, he made the commitment, when his work schedule allowed, to sit up with my father so she could rest. It was an extraordinary gift that spoke volumes of his love for us and his love for God.

When I was 20 years old, having gone through several used cars, I figured it was time to get a new one — one that hadn’t been someone else’s headache. In speaking with Brother Tony Vadasz one day — he was always interested in how I was and what I was up to — I told him what I was planning. He asked, “Who is going with you?” I told him, “No one.” Well, he wouldn’t hear of it and promptly made arrangements to come with me.

So, over the course of several nights with his help, I purchased my first new car. I can’t express what a comfort it was when he stepped in and made sure that I did not do it on my own. He took the time to look out for me as if I was his own, knowing that my father could not be there.

Fast-forward many years to when my mother was battling stage-4 ovarian cancer, a fight that lasted 10 months. I spent my days with her either at the hospital, doctor appointments, chemo treatments, or her house until my sister came home after work. When Mother finished her last treatment, she was just a shadow of the woman she was before, much weakened. It was now September and my son had started kindergarten. I was exhausted as I juggled all my responsibilities.

One Sunday after church, Sister Jennie Rosko, seeing and sensing my situation, came to me and said, “Sister Enza, I am going to go and sit with your mother in the afternoons so that you can have some time to take care of your family.” So with that, she went and sat with my mother three days a week and sometimes more, freeing up my afternoons.

It was such a relief that I no longer had to leave my son in aftercare every day, and I had a block of time to care for my family’s needs, whether it was laundry, grocery shopping, or even just preparing a meal. Her gift of time (love) was priceless to me.

John 13: 34 A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. 35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another?

What act of love do you need to do for someone else right now?

Angels for March Miracle Monday

Next month’s theme is “angels in disguise.” Do you have a testimony about a literal or figurative angel who visited you in a time of need? Click here to tell us about it!

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.



  1. Linda Scolaro

    So beautiful. Growing up with these pillars is such a great example. I can attach their names to their faces. They have gone to their heavenly reward, but what a legacy they leave in doing these acts of kindness so quietly and without any motives for recognition, but for the honor and glory of God.

  2. Enza Pusillo

    Linda, that is what makes these acts of love so beautiful to me, they did them quietly, without fanfare, not needing anyone to know about them. it was simple, they loved God and they loved me. It is humbling and overwhelming to be on the recieving end of that kind of “love’.

  3. Teri-Lyn Tunno

    All of your experiences are so beautiful!! How wonderful that you had these Brothers and Sisters in your life. I know that sometimes the simplest gesture speaks volumes and means so much more. Thank you for sharing! God bless you much.


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Further Reading

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