For our lost-and-found theme, we’re republishing a Miracle Monday from Jan. 25, 2016 by Sister Linda Scolaro.
It was Christmas Eve, and my husband and I were busy dividing and conquering, running errands, doing last-minute grocery shopping and spending a lot of time cooking for our Christmas dinner.
First, my husband misplaced his wedding band and college ring. He calmly said, “It will turn up.” At the end of the evening, I emptied my pockets, and my wedding band was gone as well. I slept uneasily, but I resolved that I would look for the ring after all of our Christmas festivities were over.
In doing the laundry the day after Christmas, I emptied my husband’s jean pockets, and voila, his two rings were tightly nestled together in the deep recesses of the pocket. I searched for my wedding ring throughout the day by rummaging through my drawers; I swept corners, and I even got out the flashlight.
At the end of the evening, I told my husband I looked everywhere, but I could not find my wedding ring. That evening, I asked God to please help me find my ring. I told Him it would be a miracle if He could place it with my other rings on my dresser. (That’s me … I often try to place my limitations on God by giving Him orders and specifications.)
The next day was Sunday. I went to church and carried out all my responsibilities. When I came home from church, I pulled my car in the driveway instead of the garage. I got out of the car and went to the passenger side of the car to retrieve some things to bring in the house. I looked down on the ground, and, shimmering in the light, was my wedding band.
I remember going out to my car on Christmas Eve to retrieve some hidden packages. My ring must have fallen from my pocket and had been lying on the ground for at least three days — untouched!
Well, the lesson I learned from this whole experience is about trusting God and letting Him answer my prayers in His way. My request to God to leave it on my dresser was not in His plan. After coming home from church, and by putting Him first, He answered my prayer in a way that I would have never imagined.
My husband has always had a very steady calmness in his faith such as “it will turn up.” I thank God for His patience with me and showing me that He hears and answers my prayers in spite of my weakness. The following verse sums it up: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding” (Prov. 3:5).
In the future, when I pray to God, I will relinquish my trust without the specifications and requests and wait for the result that God intends for me because that result always exceeds my expectation and understanding.
Share Your Travel Testimonies
Next month’s Miracle Monday theme is “travel.” Did the Lord ever protect you, guide you, or open a door for you on a trip, short or long? Share it with us via our submission form, or email us.
This article has undergone ministry review and approval.
Such a awesome stroy of GOD’S love for us and how HE is always doing things to strengthen our Faith. Also, yesterday at The Creekside Branch in Michigan, Brother Jerry Chambers gave a very powerful sermon on Proverbs 3:5. Trust in GOD and not our own ways for HIS way is right 100 out of 100 times. No coincidence, GOD is good.