Kids’ Question of the Month – April

by | Apr 28, 2016 | Special Series | 1 comment


This month, we asked our kids a very simple question: How long do you think it would take a grown-up to read all the way through the Bible and Book of Mormon?

We were wondering how different a child’s perception of time is from an adult’s. Also…how much confidence do they have in us as spiritual speed readers?

Here are some replies from the 6 to 10 year-olds in Columbus, OH who pondered how long it would take their mothers to read both books.

Brooklyn Nnadi said her mom could do it in seven days and one hour, which is pretty impressive, especially if mom manages to cook, clean, and work during that time.

Elijah Nnadi made a more conservative estimate: 30 hours. Even so, that’s just one month if mom reads an hour per night!

Brayln Roberts said it would take her mother three months — still, very quick!

Olivia Baez guessed 1,001 minutes. For the record, that’s a smidge over 16.5 hours, just a couple of weeks if Mrs. Baez reads an hour every day.

Anna Mott said that it would take her dad a mere 100 minutes. That’s 1.7 hours. Go Mr. Mott!

The kids from the Edison Branch, NJ, had quite a discussion on the topic, talking about the difference between reading scripture and studying scripture. Here are the answers the kids came up with:

Andrew Tenorio – 9 months
Elizabeth Tenorio – 2 to 4 years
David Tenorio – 21 years
Maddy Pittman – 2 years
Joshua Pizzaia – 1 year
Brianna – 2 years

They concluded that while reading the scriptures could take an average of two years (the average of all the kids’ responses) the reading and studying of scripture takes a lifetime.

The kids in Pinetop, AZ made a video for you to enjoy — click here to view if you’re reading on email. The answers from Robby P., Dylan P., Farrah, and Isaiah C. range from one week to 10 million days.


Now for the real question …

How long did it actually take you the last time you did it? Maybe you spent triple the time on that Bible-in-a-year plan? Or did you devour God’s word in one swift gulp?

Post a comment below so that the kids can see how close their guesses were. Thanks for participating in the fun!

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


  • Sister Michelle Watson

    Sister Michelle Watson lives in the remote White Mountains of Arizona with husband, Brother Michael, and two miracle-born boys.

    View all posts Full-time mother, part-time freelance writer/editor Reading an entire book in one day, pretty hikes, sushi, libraries, dad jokes, and long periods of silence 1 John 1:9

1 Comment

  1. Laurie

    Well I need to make notes as I read, it helps me remember and understand what I’m reading. It took me about 3 years to read the Bible and Book of Mormon.


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