I Look Good in That Picture

by | Oct 13, 2021 | Devotional | 1 comment

Today, we’re pausing the Life of Jesus series and bringing you a throwback article written by Brother Jerry Valenti in 2014. Enjoy, and we’ll see you here next Wednesday when Brother Jerry will resume his regularly scheduled Life of Jesus column.

Recently, my family and I attended a wedding reception. As often happens now when people get together for occasions at which everyone looks nice, everyone had their cell phone cameras out to take pictures of various groups of people — two in this picture, three in that one, etc. 

Of course, after each picture is taken, everyone has to look at it to make sure they look good. Anyone who overheard the conversation at our table would have heard something like this:

One of the people (OK, one of the girls) in the photo with me: “I don’t like the expression on my face — take it again.”

Me: “I think I look good in that picture.”

When the picture is taken again:

One of them: “My hair isn’t falling just right — take it again.”

Me: “I think I look good in that picture.”

After several iterations of this, a pattern was definitely emerging. After a while, I was thinking that either I’m very photogenic or very conceited because my feeling was if I was in the picture, it was a good picture.

Well, when we look at the “picture” that is our life — If God is in the picture, it’s a good picture! If God is in our life, it’s a blessed life!

If we allow Him to, God can be “in the picture” in all aspects of our life. He can help us in our work or at school. He can help us have a stronger marriage. He can help us in relationships with friends and family members. It’s when we take Him out of the picture that we find ourselves struggling in these areas. 

If you’ve taken the step to give your life to Christ, then remember that He wants to be the master of all parts of your life. He wants to be in the picture each and every day, wherever we may be and whatever we may be doing.

If you haven’t taken the step yet to give your life to Christ, perhaps you’re hesitant due to sins or shortcomings (in other words, you don’t think you look good in the picture). Don’t worry — the blood of Christ has paid for your sins and will make you look good in the picture. 

Wherever we are in life, if we put God in the picture, it’s a good picture!

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


  • Brother Jerry Valenti

    Brother Jerry lives in the suburbs of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with wife Sister Pat and daughter Maria.

    View all posts Apostle of The Church of Jesus Christ. Books, pool, and sun (preferably all together). The four gospels and The Book of Mormon.

1 Comment

  1. Brother Gary Thompson

    I really enjoyed this article Brother, so true. Thank GOD because without HIM, my picture was like a bomb went off and everything was out of focus but now it’s all starting to come together and the picture becomes clearer day by day only by HIS Grace. Thank you JESUS.


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Further Reading

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