Home Is Where The Heart Is

by | Jun 6, 2022 | Serving God | 0 comments

By nature, I’m a homebody. If given the choice, I usually prefer to stay in versus going out—and after a few days away on vacation, I miss the comfort of my four walls. I quickly dream about sleeping in my own bed and schlepping around in my cozy clothes.

There’s just something special about being “at home” isn’t there? Whether it’s feeling safe or comfortable, our home is a place of refuge—somewhere we can go when we want to be alone or just with our family. When we walk inside, we’re greeted with a familiar welcome. 

We’re home.

At Home in Christ

When I think about our home, I smile. Our kitchen has a shelf for small plants I lovingly hope to keep alive. The family room is littered with our son’s legos, puzzles, and books. My reading chair sits beside my piano in our converted dining room, and my work-from-home office is painted butter yellow to bring me joy each day. Each room has a purpose and function.

And, we, too, have a purpose and function. 

Christ said, “Abide in Me, and I in you.” (John 15:4) Like our homes, we should strive to feel “at home” with the Lord. He is our refuge and strength; our comfort in times of need; our friend we can be our true selves with. 

And, like our homes, He protects us daily. His walls provide a hedge about us; He wraps His arms around us to keep us warm. In the mornings when we rise and at night when we fall asleep, we find solace in Him. He is our home. 

Feels Like Home

When we purchased our home seven years ago, it didn’t feel like “ours” yet. The previous owners didn’t update things as they should have and there was work to be done. Little by little, we refreshed the kitchen, the floors, and much more. Before we knew it, it did start to feel like ours. 

It’s the same with the Lord. When we claim room in His gospel (by being baptized), we have to make a daily effort to love, grow, improve … all those good things. We must find our place and become a spiritual homebody of sorts. We must rest in Him, abide in Him, live in and for Him. He is ours.

And, likewise, He promises an even greater home for us when we do that. Our homes on earth may be simple, but our mansions will be miraculous. Surely that is a home we will never want to (or have to) leave.

“As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” -Joshua 24:15

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


  • Sister Natalie Shawver

    Sister Natalie is a proud Cincinnati girl who is never without a good book, cup of tea or husband Brother Justin, and favorite sidekick son Graham.

    View all posts Writer and word nerd extraordinaire. The smell of fall, fresh figs, tickling the ivories, and her cat. 2 Corinthians 4:17.


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Further Reading

“I Can’t” or “I Choose Not To”?

At the dinner at the home of one of the Chief Pharisees, Jesus has already shared a couple of points of instruction regarding proper service to God in which He used formal dinners as examples to drive home the points: He encouraged humility by telling the people...

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I'm a fan of the slow life—making a cup of tea each morning, taking a walk, reading a book. These things bring me joy and contentment. I'm a simple gal. Empty calendars make me smile because it means I get to live at my own pace and don’t have to rush anywhere....

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