Eyes Set on the Treasure Above

by | Mar 9, 2021 | Devotional, Lessons from the Nursing Home | 0 comments

This article is another installment in Brother P’s series, “Lessons From the Nursing Home.”

I work in a nursing home, and once I got to work with this very lovely little 80-something-year-old lady who was suuuuppppeeeerrrr cute! She was pleasant, friendly, grateful, just the kind of lady you want to adopt as your grandma. 

But she had another side to her. 

When her family would visit her, she would become suuuuppppeeeerrrr mean! She would yell at them and tell them that she shouldn’t be here. (She was not really talking about the nursing home; she actually was talking about earth). 

You see, she had already told her family that she did not want any lifesaving measures and just wanted to pass on from this life when it was her time. However, her family, when faced with an unconscious mother/grandma and a physician saying she needed a pacemaker to stay alive, they chose to override her wishes and had the pacemaker placed. 

It saved her life, and she was not happy. 

She had her eyes set on a treasure above and was ready to trade this life in for her future life in Christ, but a machine was keeping her from realizing that goal. 

I hope I can attain that clear a view of heaven, of Jesus, of our future. (Just without yelling at the kids!)

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


  • Brother P.

    Brother P. lives in the mountains with his wife and two boys who he's tremendously thankful for.

    View all posts Physical therapist. Laying on the roof looking up at the stars with my boys, fishing on the lake, glassing deer, doing anything outside. 2 Nephi 4:16-35.


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Further Reading

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