Downtown Angels

by | Jul 19, 2021 | Angels | 1 comment

Today’s Miracle Monday is an experience had by our late Sister Josie Jasmin.

Years ago, we had downtown areas to shop in. (Today we have numerous malls and shopping centers.) One day, I decided to go shopping downtown. There wasn’t anything special that I wanted to purchase. I just liked to window shop and browse through some of the individual stores. 

As I was walking, I came to a traffic light that was red. I stopped with several other people to wait for the light to change so I could cross the street. 

As I was standing there, I felt someone touch my arm. It was a handsome elderly man with a white beard, and he asked me if I could help him cross the street because he was blind. I certainly agreed to help him. As we crossed the street to the other corner, he politely thanked me and said, “God bless you for your help.” 

Then as I continued in my direction, I turned around to make sure that he was OK. As I did this, he disappeared before my eyes, and I felt a tug at my heart and thanked the Lord for allowing me to help someone.

I recalled the following scripture, “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares” (Hebrews 13). 

Tell Your Miracle Story

Our dear Sister Josie, the original author of today’s post, has now gone on to her reward with Jesus. Is there a precious testimony or experience that you’d like to share from someone who has passed on? Send it to us, and we will share it on a future Miracle Monday.


1 Comment

  1. Colleen Moore

    This made me tear up…love it and love you!!


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Further Reading

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