Bring the Rain

by | Jun 4, 2021 | Devotional | 6 comments

Today’s article written by Sister Alyssa Maddox is part of our Friday guest column hosted by the young people from the Lake Worth Branch, Florida. 

I’ve always found it ironic that Florida is called the Sunshine State. In the summer, it rains every afternoon like clockwork. 

This made for some very interesting experiences when I was working as a summer camp counselor. I’m sure you can imagine the chaos that would ensue when you’re at the zoo with 150 children under 12 and it instantly starts raining. And I don’t mean a light drizzle. I mean the clouds open, lightning and thunder begin, and a complete downpour soaks your entire body. 

Let’s just say I would always pray that the rain would hold off until 5 o’clock when all of the children were picked up and we were safe from the rain in our cars driving home.

I think we often feel the same way about life. We like the sunshine. It’s convenient. It makes for smooth, easy days. Everything goes according to plan when the sun keeps shining. There’s no need to have a Plan B, no need for dry clothes, no need to take shelter until it clears.

At summer camp, we got better at handling these rainy days. We knew it would come, so we were prepared. We carried garbage bags in our backpacks, so we could use them as ponchos. The kids expected it and knew to quickly grab their lunchboxes and line up without screaming. 

We were ready but we never got to the point of wanting the rain. 

As believers, we may feel prepared for the rain. We read scripture that teaches us how to overcome these storms. We know to turn to God. We know to pray for His provision through any rainy trial we may experience, and we know He’ll see us through. 

But what if we were able to get to the place where we not only endured the rain but asked for the rain?

We often sing the words in church, “So let the storms rage high, the dark clouds rise, for they don’t worry me.” 

Imagine if we were able to have such a strong faith that we asked for the storms to rage and the dark clouds to come because we knew that we always come out the other side closer to God, with a better understanding of His love and mercy, and a testimony to be shared for His glory. 

Romans 8:28 tells us that “We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.” All things. Not just the bright, sunny things, but all things. Even the storms. Simply put, the storms in our lives are being used for good.

While I don’t think we should be wishing for destruction in our lives, I do think we should be at a place where we don’t fear the storms because we know it’ll be used for His good. More than just praising God through the storms but a complete surrender to ask for anything to come into our lives that will bring us closer to Him

Just imagine the indescribable peace and the immense faith that would come if we were able to tell God “Bring whatever you want in my life, easy or hard, good or bad. I want it all, as long as it brings me closer to you.”

A contemporary Christian band, Mercy Me, sings a song called “Bring the Rain.” With a very similar challenge, they sing these lyrics:
So I pray

Bring me joy, bring me peace
Bring the chance to be free
Bring me anything that brings You glory
And I know there’ll be days
When this life brings me pain
But if that’s what it takes to praise You
Jesus, bring the rain

I am Yours regardless of
The dark clouds that may loom above
Because You are much greater than my pain
You who made a way for me
By suffering Your destiny
So tell me what’s a little rain

I know we’re all still drying off from the storm of 2020. But I challenge you to ask God to bring anything in your life that will bring Him glory, including the rain, trusting that it all works for His good. 

Editor’s Note: We want to give a huge thank you to the Lake Worth young people for being our guest columnists this month! They stepped up to the plate, and we are grateful to hear from them. Has the Lord been putting a young person on your heart lately? Today’s always a good day to reach out in love and support!

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.



  1. Florence Perri

    I enjoyed your article today Alyssa. I always think about the rainbow we see after the rain. 🙂

  2. Valerie J. Dulisse

    Beautifully written, and a needed reminder that it is in the valley, not up on the mountains, where God restores and revives us for a closer relationship with Him! I needed this today, thank you for writing it!!! Love this “Mercy Me” song as well!

    • Brother Gary Thompson

      Great article Sister, Amen. GOD Bless You!!!

  3. Sister Flo

    This was so awesome!!!
    You would think a seasoned saint would fully know this and maybe I do in my heart of hearts but I so admire that God gives people the gift to put it into words.
    This is a keeper. Thank you ❣️❣️❣️

  4. Walt Jankowski

    Great perspective on life…Thanks

  5. Christina DiCenzo

    Excellent blog Sister; brought me to tears as I prayed yes-anything that will bring me closer to you Lord. A hard prayer to pray but He will never Let us down in surrendering to that degree. God bless U!!!


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Further Reading

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