Blessing Bits: Peace When We Need It

by | Jan 15, 2021 | Testimonies | 0 comments


Today’s article consists of Blessing Bits from the June and July/August 2020 issues of The Gospel News.

He Brings Peace and Love

During the quarantine, most of us were missing our friends, family, and Church. I personally have missed all your hugs most. I have suffered with attention-deficit disorder (ADD) all my life. I love to socialize, but in large groups can take in only so much before I get a headache and need quiet time alone. When I say alone, I mean alone with the Lord. After our first Campout event last year, the headache came. I went to my room and rested in communion with the Lord, without a nap, He quickly relieved the headache and brought me peace and much love. I was so grateful for this; I said to the Lord, “I love you so much, I wish I could hug and kiss you.” The Lord quickly spoke to me… “When you hug and kiss a Saint you are hugging & kissing me.” Looking forward to those hugs and kisses again! –Sister Christina DiCenzo, McKees Rocks Branch, Pennsylvania

Give Me the Words to Say

Ten years ago, I moved to Michoacán, Mexico. I wanted to support my husband who was presiding elder there at the time. I felt overwhelmed and incompetent. What could I contribute to such a great task? I prayed to the Lord repeatedly, I read and studied the scriptures, articles of faith and everything I thought was useful to know in order to help, but still I did not feel ready nor did I feel I was doing enough. One night, I prayed to God for help and for the words to say to the souls who came to Church. That night I had a short dream where God told me, “Read Alma 37.” I woke up and looked for that chapter, and in verses 33 and 34 I found the answer.

“Preach unto them repentance, and faith on the Lord Jesus Christ; teach them to humble themselves and to be meek and lowly in heart; teach them to withstand every temptation of the devil, with their faith on the Lord Jesus Christ. Teach them to never be weary of good works, but to be meek and lowly in heart; for such shall find rest to their souls.”

That continues to be my guide when I seek to support someone or share what God has given me.–Sister Cinthia Calvillo, Modesto Branch, California

Interested in Writing?

The Gospel News is hosting a Writer’s Workshop on Jan. 23, 2021 on Zoom for all branch and region editors – and anyone who is interested in writing for the Church. You’ll learn strategies for effective writing as well as how to work with The Gospel News and the Gospel Blog to get your writing published. Submit an inquiry for workshop details.

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.



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Further Reading

church service

Being in the Right Place at the Right Time

Jesus is teaching in one of the synagogues on the sabbath day and He sees a woman in the congregation who has been disabled for 18 years.  Her body is bent over so severely that she can’t stand up straight.  Jesus lays His hands on the woman, and she is...

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A Holy Donation

Today's story comes from the pages of the Detroit Branch 1 history. This is an experience given to Brother Antonio Molisani in the early 1920s when the saints of Detroit worked together to construct a church building on Hall and Devine Streets.  None of us...

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