While many of us have a favorite hymn from the beautifully inspired hymns of praise that have touched our hearts and brought tears to our eyes, The Songs of Zion are unique to our Church. They are songs that belong to a new time; they belong to a new era; they belong to our people. They are songs sent from the throne of God as a gift to The Church of Jesus Christ. They are inspirational and related to Christ and His promises of the latter-day times and events. This gift was given to our late Sister Arlene Buffington, as our songs of hope and joy, looking forward to the fulfillment of the kingdom of Zion, bathed in the latter-day glory of the restoration.
Today I’d like to look at No. 169, “Here He Placed Me, Here I’ll Stay.” We will be looking at the meaning and application of the song, because it’s too easy to sing without paying attention to the words and their meaning.
Jesus, like a kindly shepherd,
Brought me to His fold one day,
Where His lambs are fed and nourished,
Here He placed me, here I’ll stay.
Wolves appear in shepherd’s clothing,
Leading little lambs away.
But as for me and for the gospel,
Here He placed me, here I’ll stay.
Little lambs cling to their mothers,
Little children do the same,
And the gospel, she’s my mother,
With my mother I’ll remain.
I’ll not feed from other pastures,
I’ll not go some other way,
For it was here the Shepherd brought me,
Here He placed me, here I’ll stay.
Many shepherds, false and erring,
Yonder lead the lambs to eat,
Where the wolves will kill and scatter,
And the lambs will be their meat.
But for me, no distant pasture,
For I found my place one day,
And when the good and kindly Shepherd,
Here He placed me, here I’ll stay.
©2008 Arlene Lea Buffington
As a church, we believe in divine revelation consistent with the scriptures. (See The Church website: What We Believe). These are given in dreams, visions, signs, gifts, etc., and His word to whomever He chooses. And, yes, while we’re talking about gifts, even blessing a sister with 239 songs despite her lack of musical talent! (See 1 Corinthians 12).
This song reminds me of a dream accepted 30 years ago by the Priesthood of The Church as a revelation. The dream goes as follows:
“In a dream I was shown how some people who were and are baptized in THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST lose their IDENTITY by feeding from other tables of doctrine or religion.
The Lord showed me as an example, a sister, and how when she died, she was more like or more resembled the member of another church, more than she did a member of THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST, which she knew to be true.
Then I saw two tables. Behind one stood a minister from another church and on his table was what he had to offer of his church. (I didn’t see specifically what was on the table but knew it was what they stood for or their doctrine.) Behind the other table stood Sister Jean Moore and I, and on it were the things of THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST, and we had kept just as we found it.”
The dreamer was given understanding, “When a person knows that this is THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST and is baptized, yet feeds from other tables of doctrines or religions — they knowingly lose their true identity, which is a member of THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST.”
Why would the Lord reveal this message to The Church and its members? I believe it’s simply because He desires to remind us that we have found the fulness of the restored gospel, in its purity, and He wants us to appreciate and never take for granted, what we have been given!
“For the names of the righteous shall be written in the book of life, and unto them will I grant an inheritance at my right hand. …For what shepherd is there among you having many sheep doth not watch over them, that the wolves enter not and devour his flock? And behold, if a wolf enter his flock doth he not drive him out? Yea, and at the last, if he can, he will destroy him. And now I say unto you that the good shepherd doth call after you; and if you will hearken unto his voice he will bring you into his fold, and ye are his sheep; and he commandeth you that ye suffer no ravenous wolf to enter among you, that ye may not be destroyed.” (Alma 5:58-60)
I pray that each of us recognize what we have found in THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST, because no matter the challenges, struggles, oppositions, or disputations, “Here He placed me, here I’ll stay.“
May God bless you
And, if you’re interested in learning more about the Songs of Zion or just listening to the Songs, here’s a link to the Songs of Zion website: https://thesongsofzion.com/
This article has undergone ministry review and approval.
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