For the past couple of months, a young woman and her daughter have been attending our branch of the Church in Levittown. A resident of the Levittown community, this woman was a total stranger to us — she just walked into church one day and said she felt led by God to attend this church.
Since there are many churches in Levittown (including one on either side of us on the same street), we asked her why she felt to attend this particular church. She told us she had done some research online and was primarily attracted by the name of the church — The Church of Jesus Christ.
However, she said that she especially became intrigued when she checked out our website. After looking at some of the content, she scrolled down to the bottom of the web page and saw the following copyright message at the bottom of the page:
Copyright © 0-2024 The Church of Jesus Christ
Seeing the number 0 as the beginning year of the range made her think, “That’s how it should be — it makes sense that The Church of Jesus Christ would have begun when Jesus was on the earth.”
She was so intrigued by this that she called the phone number on the website to ask about it. She was finally connected with the company that administers our website, and they told her that it was actually a mistake — the range of years is supposed to identify the years that the website has been copyrighted so they changed the message to have 2013-2024 as the range of years (which is what you’ll see if you look at the website now).
As we discussed this with her, it was exciting to tell her that our belief coincides with what she was thinking — our church is a restoration of the original church that Jesus set up when He was on the earth. So, what some may refer to as a mistake wasn’t really a mistake at all!
I’m happy to report that this woman got to see how baptism was performed in the original church a few weeks later when she went into the waters herself. We thank God for her calling into The Church of Jesus Christ!
P.S. I’m happy that our new sister saved a screenshot of what the web page looked like before it was “corrected.” The photo that accompanies this article clearly shows the range of dates as 0-2024.
This article has undergone ministry review and approval.
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