Good Word Friday Theme: Abiding in His Spirit
When I was a kid, I went to a science museum, and there was an exhibit on blindness where children crawled through a padded tunnel and experienced what it would be like to move about in total darkness. I eagerly entered the tunnel, took a few steps, got terrified, and had to turn back to the light.
Today’s verse from Ephesians reminds us that we were once spiritually blind, feeling our way through life, never sure of exactly where to go or what to do. When we accepted Christ, the lights turned on. Now, we can see clearly. The good path is visible. The sinking sense of uncertainty isn’t ever-present.
Let’s abide in that light rather than turning back to those old shadows. Let’s turn our faces toward God’s light and let it warm us through, melting away that old heart of stone. Let the heat of that light burn away past impurities and reveal a bright holiness we never saw before.
“But now are ye light in the Lord; walk as children of the light.” (Ephesians 5:8)
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