Would you describe yourself as having a short fuse? Maybe you’re the opposite, and it takes a tsunami to rock your boat.
No matter how quick or slow we are to anger, we all have some “red buttons” inside. You know the red button I’m talking about. You see it in an elevator, or cockpit, or alien spacecraft. It’s a big, round, can’t-miss-it red button, and there’s a large warning next to it that says, “DO NOT PUSH.” If you do, you’ll regret it.
What are your red buttons? Someone pushes — intentionally or not — and you explode. Some of you only have a handful of red buttons, while others have more than their fair share. The Lord knows what they are even better than we do.
These buttons are part of our human frailty. Friendships have failed due to the detonation of these red buttons. Marriages damaged. Families at odds.
That’s why God gave us love. Love isn’t quick to anger. Love lessens the impact of the button. Sometimes, it deactivates the button entirely. Love calls us to repair the damage caused when our buttons blow.
Is there a situation — or a someone? — who is constantly pushing your buttons? Ask God for more of His love in your heart for that situation or someone, and see how love makes an impact.
This article has undergone ministry review and approval.