See Yourself Clearly With an ‘I’ Exam

by | May 25, 2021 | Devotional | 4 comments

“Read the top line please.” 

“C, H, S, D,” I say proudly. 

“This line please.” 

“Z, S, E, O.” 

“And this one.” 

Squinting, I say “R, T, U, V. Is that correct?” 

“No” is her sharp answer as she changes the setting on the large black machine that I’ve been resting my chin on and pressing my forehead against. 

“Let me try again,” I plead. 

Ignoring my request, she says, “Is this one…[click!]…or this one clearer?” 

Embarrassed, I say, “I’m not sure.” 

“Try again,” she says as she puts a new set of letters in front of me. 

“They’re so close,” I say. Turning away, she says, “You need prescription glasses.” 

“I failed!” I think to myself. I exit the dark room with a paper in my hand that has numbers written on it that I don’t understand, feeling as if I’m holding a poor report card. Sulking, I walk from one stand of eyeglass frames to another. Twenty pairs later, I finalize my visit with a credit card, get in my car, and wonder why I tried so hard to show the doctor that I didn’t need prescription glasses? What if I’m getting the wrong prescription? Now I’m worried that I tried too hard to be someone I’m not and pretend to have better vision than I really do. 

Am I more concerned about what people might think of me than doing what is best? Or in other words, do I need to be more humble? Rehearsing my visit to the eye doctor is just one example of a time in my life that I should have taken a step back, assessed the situation, and made better choices. 

Recently, the Hollywood and Lake Worth Branches had a joint Zoom meeting. We were blessed to have Brother Joe Ignagni as our guest teacher. Brother Joe presented a wonderful lesson on being a mature Christian. His opening line was, “Are we a fan of Christ or a follower of Christ?” 

I won’t attempt to recreate his lesson, but he brought excellent examples of how a mature Christian would respond in adverse situations compared to how an immature Christian would act. A mature Christian cares more about what God thinks than what man thinks. 

We make mistakes and oftentimes we suffer the consequences of our poor choices. As I wait for the text that will tell me that my eyeglasses are ready for pickup, I hope that my behavior didn’t skew the results of my exam. (However, If the glasses don’t correct my vision, I’m thankful that the optometry store has a 30-day Happiness Guarantee.) 

And I’m even more thankful that Jesus has a lifelong happiness guarantee. 

Paul gave great advice to the Romans: 

“For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.” 

I ought not to think so highly of myself during my next eye exam or during any other situation where I might try to portray myself as something I’m not. I ought to care what God thinks. 

Credit to the Christian band Elevation Worship for writing the following line: “I’m not afraid to show You my weakness, My failures and flaws, Lord, You’ve seen ’em all, And You still call me friend.” Take a few moments to listen to this song. I hope it speaks to you as it spoke to me. 

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.



  1. Christina DiCenzo

    Now that is seeing clearly.
    Love U Sister-Thank U &
    ❤️ Elevation Worship!

  2. Betty Dorazio

    Love the article and scripture.

  3. Tami Jardine

    What a blessing to read this article. I had another devotional I read today that talked about God being the only one we should worry about pleasing. As a recovering people pleaser, both these messages spoke to me. I loved it and I love Elevation Worship and that song. Thank you for helping me “see clearer” about Gods message to me today.

  4. Brenda Capone

    Wow. Love the “Are you a fan of Christ or a follower of Christ?”. In a way, l am a fan of who He is. But I am seeking daily to be a stronger follower of Christ. Like many, l have had to face difficulties. I fight everyday to keep following Him.
    Beautiful article, God inspired in you.


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Further Reading

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