War is not something we like to think about, especially at the beginning of a new year. Typically, our focus is on resolutions, new beginnings, and hope for things to come. Yet warfare is alive and is graphically and instantaneously trumpeted to the world through forms of media made so easily available. And resolutions made, even with the best of intentions, can be unrealistic or fall by the wayside as the days and months of the new year pass by.

While the impact of physical warfare and the pitfalls of life are very hard and real, the true battle is not in what we “see” or “feel” as satan’s lies would have us to believe. Absolutely and painfully so, satan will stop at nothing to creep in and

  • disrupt our peace and unity
  • create chaos and confusion
  • cause distraction that leads to discouragement, a sense of helplessness and hopelessness
  • hurt and destroy
  • skew perspective to make what is wrong seem right
  • turn our hearts against one another

(II Timothy 3:1-7; Mosiah 29:26-27)

However, the intent of his deception is purposefully directed at what we’ve not yet seen. Satan’s real goal is to inhibit the complete restoration of God’s kingdom on earth “as it is in heaven” by turning our hearts away from the Lord.

In Matthew 10, Christ charges His disciples to go out in power — in love and without fear — preaching the gospel to Israel. They were to completely trust that every need would be provided. They were to leave rejection and judgment in the hands of God, pushing forward for the sake of the very kingdom that satan despised.

Just as the disciples were to cast aside their fishing nets for the sake of this kingdom, we too must cast aside satan’s lies and deceptions that deter us from being vessels of light in the darkness. Rising to the higher ground of His calling in a day and time when warfare is blatant and confusion abounds, it is even more important that we not allow satan’s efforts to distract us from diligently seeking what is promised to come to pass in these latter days … the fruition of His glorious kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, the gathering of Israel, the Peaceful Reign, Zion…

“And blessed are they who shall seek to bring forth my Zion at that day, for they shall have the gift and the power of the Holy Ghost; and if they endure unto the end they shall be lifted up at that last day, and shall be saved in the everlasting kingdom of the Lamb” (I Nephi 13:37)

2019 is well underway. Warfare is raging all around us and much too close for comfort. But there is good news! We stand on the precipice of great things that lie ahead, and hope abounds for those who love and serve God.

As His saints, let’s be resolved to confront the battle head on by eliminating any wiggle room for satan’s attack in our personal lives.

Let’s consider these as resolutions for this year:

  • To wear the “whole armour of God” for the sake of the kingdom that is before us, for the sake of the souls of men and women, for the sake of generations to come.
  • To be firmly grounded in the precious truth of the gospel that has been restored in fullness and is our heritage and legacy in this latter dispensation of time.
  • To stand firmly on the absolute truth of God’s word.
  • To live in complete faith and trust in Jesus Christ and His sovereignty in our lives.
  • To allow free reign of the Holy Spirit in our hearts so that fear has no place and Christ’s righteousness, peace, and love will abound.
  • To seek with full expectation and confidence knowing that Zion will surely come to pass.

As His saints, let’s be resolved to win!

Bio Ruth

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


  • Ruth Marie (Curry) Gehly

    Sister Ruth Marie lives in McKean (Erie), Pennsylvania, with the love of her life, Brother Joel. Now celebrating 35+ adventurous years together, anticipating many more to come!

    View all posts Human Resources Specialist at Gannon University (19+ years). Shared family meals, grandbaby hugs, traveling, kayaking. Psalm 46:10 and Colossians 4:5-6.


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Further Reading


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