Life of Jesus Series (through year-end 2023)

by | Dec 27, 2023 | Life of Jesus | 0 comments

As we are arriving at the end of 2023, and the Gospel Blog writing and audio teams are about to take a few weeks off, it’s a good time to look at where we are in the “Life of Jesus” series. 

In case you weren’t with us at the beginning of the series (about three years ago), the purpose is to produce a series of articles based on the events in the life of Jesus (in approximate chronological order) that each offer us some type of life application. So far, a total of 125 blog articles have been written in this series, covering His birth, His baptism, His early ministry, the Sermon on the Mount, etc. In 2023, a total of 40 blogs were added to the series, covering the following events in the life of Jesus:

  • Sending Out His Twelve Apostles
  • Walking on the Water
  • Miraculous Feeding of 5,000 and 4,000
  • The Transfiguration
  • Teaching on the Law of Offense and Forgiveness
  • The Woman Caught in Adultery
  • Additional Miracles

If you’ve missed any of the articles or would like to re-read any of them, the entire list of 125 articles, along with the associated events in the life of Jesus, can be accessed by clicking on the link below. Just click on any blog article title on the list to read that article. 

Life of Jesus Series (List of 125 Blog Articles)

If you would like to see the list of scripture references associated with each event, click here:

Life of Jesus Series (Scripture References)

I truly thank God for what has come forth so far in this series (and presumably what will come forth as we continue on). 

Very often, I start writing about an event in the life of Jesus without having any idea what the life application is that I’ll be writing about. Then, as I continue to write, the lesson begins to take shape and I finally understand what the Lord is trying to bring out. I hope you’ve been blessed reading the articles as I’ve been blessed writing them.

When the series resumes on February 7, there will be articles based on many of the recorded miracles of Jesus (such as the 10 lepers and the raising of Lazarus) as well as some additional parables (such as the Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son). It is my intention, Lord willing, to go all the way through the crucifixion and resurrection and Christ’s visit to America. And, if any more records have come forth by then, there may be additional information to be included too!

Hope you’ll be along for the ride!

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


  • Brother Jerry Valenti

    Brother Jerry lives in the suburbs of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with wife Sister Pat and daughter Maria.

    View all posts Apostle of The Church of Jesus Christ. Books, pool, and sun (preferably all together). The four gospels and The Book of Mormon.


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Further Reading

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