Today, we welcome you to “Tales of the Insomniac.” As an expert in sleep deprivation, I can resoundingly say, the nights can be soooo long. It must have begun in college, with the stress of endless studies and papers due. It continued with infants and toddlers who had me working overtime in the night shift. And then, it just became part of me. I can’t sleep!
For years (still going), I would get so frustrated with my wakeful nights and groggy days that I felt in constant defeat. How am I supposed to be a fully functioning member of society when I’m running on fumes? I knew I had to give this to the Lord, and often He intervenes with a sweet night of slumber. But just around the corner (sirens blaring), I’m up again!
To turn this tale into something of worth, I started asking the Lord to help me change my thoughts. If I’m awake at night, help me to make the time useful. Help me to view it as an opportunity. Help me to approach it with peace instead of angst and connect with Him to change the outcome.
It’s not a perfect record, but more often than not, when I can get into this spiritual mindset, the Lord meets me there.
When Prayers Pacify
What a valuable resource we have in prayer! Uttering words in prayer unto the Father gives outlet to all the worries and concerns that steal our rest. The release of our cares at the feet of Jesus pacifies our fears, and we can unburden our hearts as He is faithful to listen and lift the heaviness of our troubles.
When Words Whisper
The Word of God allows us to hear our Father’s voice. Especially in the middle of the night, when the voices in our heads can flood us with doubt and hopelessness, the scriptures speak truth to our minds and let us hear the mind of God, whispering hope to ground us once again.
When Melodies Minister
It’s such a gift to have hymns and songs of praise to comfort us in times of need! Like dear friends, these songs minister to us; they put their arms around us and give us that sweet peace and relief wrapped in beauty and joy.
“Life is filled with problems that exhaust the human mind, feeling strained to think of some solution…and I feel love close in around me, like a blanket wrapped around me…“
(#64 The Songs of Zion: The Safety of My Father’s Arms)
Not sure if anyone reading this can relate, but if you struggle to sleep, I encourage you to connect with the Lord in those wee small hours of the morning.
You just might receive an unexpected blessing: an answered prayer, a scripture that speaks to you, a song to comfort you, or inspiration for a Gospel Blog post (it’s 4:26 a.m. by the way)!
“And don’t you know the morning brings the ending of the night…“
This article has undergone ministry review and approval.
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